Show your Windstone collection – Part three!

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      LOL yes i don’t think my collection would be much of a challenge to count 😆

      I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


      haha, Ski. You are funny.


      dragonessjade wrote:

      I like how you have the little stars hanging down and all the glass peices around them.

      Did you make the little white dragon in this picture?

      Actually that one I did not. That is something that inspired me though. I really do love that little dragon. Think I’ve had it longer then my windstones.

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        Keplilly wrote:

        Romeodanny wrote:

        I love how you put the white coiled in the glass. That’s a really neat idea. Very nice collection.

        Actually my mother gets credit for that one. She is very clever. 😀

        That’s a great idea! Very elegant.

        And the centaurs from Fantasia are absolutely adorable! I didn’t even know they made them.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Keplilly wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        I like how you have the little stars hanging down and all the glass peices around them.

        Did you make the little white dragon in this picture?

        Actually that one I did not. That is something that inspired me though. I really do love that little dragon. Think I’ve had it longer then my windstones.
        I really like it also. Where did you get it? Is it from a company?


        dragonessjade wrote:

        Keplilly wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        I like how you have the little stars hanging down and all the glass peices around them.

        Did you make the little white dragon in this picture?

        Actually that one I did not. That is something that inspired me though. I really do love that little dragon. Think I’ve had it longer then my windstones.
        I really like it also. Where did you get it? Is it from a company?

        No, I actually bought it from a small store when I went to college. A local lady made them. It was an interesting store that was out of a lady’s house.

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        Keplilly wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        Keplilly wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        I like how you have the little stars hanging down and all the glass peices around them.

        Did you make the little white dragon in this picture?

        Actually that one I did not. That is something that inspired me though. I really do love that little dragon. Think I’ve had it longer then my windstones.
        I really like it also. Where did you get it? Is it from a company?

        No, I actually bought it from a small store when I went to college. A local lady made them. It was an interesting store that was out of a lady’s house.
        Aw, cool. It is neat to find things that are made at a small business, but there can be disadvantages.


          Anyone who read my post about possibly getting a Windstone from a friend for my upcoming birthday… well, he gave it to me tonight! FINALLY, I have the statue I fell in love with when I was like, 6 or 7 or somewhere. Just in a better color 😉 He’s a lot more shiny than my lap…

          Don’t know where his official “spot” will be. I don’t exactly have much room >.>
          He said he bought him from Windstone directly… but he has some light dust on him and he has a price tag on his hang tag. Odd? Does that sometimes happen?


            Congrats!!! He bought directly from Windstone? I didnt notice black scratchers in stock. Im not very observant, though. 🙄


            Pritty! 😀


              Kujacker wrote:

              He said he bought him from Windstone directly… but he has some light dust on him and he has a price tag on his hang tag. Odd? Does that sometimes happen?

              Dust nor price tags should happen when pieces come from the factory. 😯

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Nambroth wrote:

                Kujacker wrote:

                He said he bought him from Windstone directly… but he has some light dust on him and he has a price tag on his hang tag. Odd? Does that sometimes happen?

                Dust nor price tags should happen when pieces come from the factory. 😯

                Then I’m really confused 😯 He gave him to me in the box it was shipped in. He didn’t even open it. All taped up. Weird.


                He looks lovely.


                  Kujacker wrote:

                  Nambroth wrote:

                  Kujacker wrote:

                  He said he bought him from Windstone directly… but he has some light dust on him and he has a price tag on his hang tag. Odd? Does that sometimes happen?

                  Dust nor price tags should happen when pieces come from the factory. 😯

                  Then I’m really confused 😯 He gave him to me in the box it was shipped in. He didn’t even open it. All taped up. Weird.

                  Kujacker, he got it from me. 🙂 Jonathan, right? He ordered it off my website. I’ve been biting my tongue, trying not to tell you. Congrats!

                  I sell at science fiction conventions, so that’s probably where it got the dust, although I don’t recall any. I don’t always unpack and pack things myself though (I have helpers), so I may have missed it. I will try to check them over in the future. I put price tags on the hang tags to make things simple for my convention workers and for my customers.


                    emerald212 wrote:

                    Kujacker, he got it from me. 🙂 Jonathan, right? He ordered it off my website. I’ve been biting my tongue, trying not to tell you. Congrats!

                    Really?! Ah ha that’s awesome! Thank you X3

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