Show your Windstone collection – Part three!

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      Ok so here is my Windstones. Pretty small but I have only just started collecting!

      (oh and also my harry Potter books ;P)

      I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


        Aldana wrote:

        Ok so here is my Windstones. Pretty small but I have only just started collecting!

        Looks like a good start! πŸ˜€
        (it’s interesting to see how… colorful.. your HP book jackets are. Ours are way different over here)


        My curlies are here are they are soooooo adorable! 8)

        Im just so impressed with Windstone, the friendlyness the quality and the super fast packing!!!! πŸ˜€ I need to send them an ‘im impressed email or letter’ 8) πŸ˜†
        Ohhhh and Suzie sent me a fuzzie πŸ˜† πŸ˜€
        I do believe my collection is growing! 8)


        ooo those curlies are so tempting!!


          Very nice!! Those curlies sure are cute!


          Looking good, Griffiness! πŸ˜€


            Griffiness wrote:

            What camera do you have koishi? I love that Griffin! So big actually!

            My camera is the powershot A530 by Canon. I lurve canon. And yes, the griffin is big! I just ordered the next batch of pyo’s but only bought one griffin. When i sell one of my other PYO’s here though, I will buy more griffins to have on hand.


            Aw neet i love canon too.
            I have a digital Canon 400D SLR brand New πŸ˜€ and a couple of lenses. I usually use my little sony cyber shot (100 Years old) My Grandad gave me a Brand new (never used) 30 year old film Olympus a few Days ago. I love photography πŸ˜€


              Griffiness wrote:

              Aw neet i love canon too.
              I have a digital Canon 400D SLR brand New πŸ˜€ and a couple of lenses. I usually use my little sony cyber shot (100 Years old) My Grandad gave me a Brand new (never used) 30 year old film Olympus a few Days ago. I love photography πŸ˜€

              OOOOOO!!! you have one of those? is yours digitial and how is it?
              i don’t have enough for one of those, but i want to save some of my PYO sales money to get a PowerShot S5 IS. a little less then the SLR and this one has 12x optical zoom with 8 MP.


              Yep its digital and it sure cost alot! I got the camera 15-55mm and 55-200mm lens a bag a huge memory chip and insurance for Β£709.99 i have just got a spare battery but that cost me Β£45 all in all an expensive camera! But i can assure you i have climbed mountains with that camera on my back and I LOVE IT it was worth ever penny and i have been saving for one for years!!!
              I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!


                Griffiness wrote:

                Yep its digital and it sure cost alot! I got the camera 15-55mm and 55-200mm lens a bag a huge memory chip and insurance for Β£709.99 i have just got a spare battery but that cost me Β£45 all in all an expensive camera! But i can assure you i have climbed mountains with that camera on my back and I LOVE IT it was worth ever penny and i have been saving for one for years!!!
                I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!

                XD it sounds sooooo wonderful!!!
                one of the SLR’s is the next camera i am going to save for, but for now I got my attention on the 12x powershot. practice with that one. hopefuly my parents will be moving up north some time in the next year and i will have a nice place to take all sorts of photos.

                I was really bummed that i did not have a good camera when the whales came up the river. My small powershot is good but it only has 4x opt. zoom and it does not have image stabilization. the one thing that bothers me is not have image stabilization.


                Griffiness wrote:

                Aw neet i love canon too.
                I have a digital Canon 400D SLR brand New πŸ˜€ and a couple of lenses. I usually use my little sony cyber shot (100 Years old) My Grandad gave me a Brand new (never used) 30 year old film Olympus a few Days ago. I love photography πŸ˜€

                Aww, you have the one I want to upgrade to!! I still have a Canon EOS Rebel XT, but I plan to get the 400D in the near future~~~.
                And lol, sounds like my Dad, he gave me his 1976 35mm ASAHI Pentax camera. Still takes beautiful pictures!


                  Mine is a Sony Cybershot 828, 8M and 12x optical zoom. It’s about 4 years old now though. I really want a digital SLR.

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                  I love my little Sonycyber Shot Its also about 4 years old now with 3.2 pixels but its very faithfull to me i always have it handy to take pictures of Windstones! My Canon EOS 400D is glued to me constantly πŸ˜€ IT IS AMAZING, I have just come back from my yacht with dad and i have some wonderful shots of the Sun setting into the sea πŸ˜€ 8)
                  Ive been saving for a great camera for years i didn’t know what to get when i had some money, it was a tos up between a Nikon D80 or D70 or The canon. Both fantastic Cameras πŸ˜€ It can get a bit expensive though πŸ˜•
                  Ive got the silver one its lush πŸ˜†


                  Algy wrote:

                  Griffiness wrote:

                  Aw neet i love canon too.
                  I have a digital Canon 400D SLR brand New πŸ˜€ and a couple of lenses. I usually use my little sony cyber shot (100 Years old) My Grandad gave me a Brand new (never used) 30 year old film Olympus a few Days ago. I love photography πŸ˜€

                  Aww, you have the one I want to upgrade to!! I still have a Canon EOS Rebel XT, but I plan to get the 400D in the near future~~~.
                  And lol, sounds like my Dad, he gave me his 1976 35mm ASAHI Pentax camera. Still takes beautiful pictures!

                  The uni i am off to this year has a fantastic Dark room so i intend to use it to get some black and white pictures done! πŸ˜€
                  Now you three should all go and buy a 400D now 8)

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