Show your Windstone Collection-Continued

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    emerald212 wrote:

    Yay! Nirvana likes Elfquest too.

    So far that’s Ski, SPark, Nirvana and me. Anyone else?

    I read the original graphic novels in junior high or freshman year I think. Still have them in with all my other comic’s. 2 long boxes, and I think 3 short.


      my curls seem to be asking for a bigger shelf…

      they don’t look too happy sitting that close together…



        aweeee! now I want a Curl!!!


        I STILL havent brought them all 🙁


          I just got caught up with my group. I got my Black Gold Curly in yesterday. I really like him, as much as the Gold one. Pretty!


            yeah the black gold is very nice….more purple interference than my emperor…but that’s ok…

            he’s still an emperor… 😀


            Lovely curlies, everybody. They’re kind of like cute little mushrooms, aren’t they… just sort of sprout up out of nowhere and cluster 🙂


            Do you think my scratcher will fit in this space when he arrives?


            OMG i just noticed that i spelt reserved wrong lol! 🙄


              Griffiness wrote:

              OMG i just noticed that i spelt reserved wrong lol! 🙄

              No worries, as long as you know what it means! 😉

              My dad had put some boxes in storage that we uncovered recently. One of them was labeled “Blue Genes”. My mom and I had a good laugh. He was always doing stuff like that, but as long as he knew what they meant, it was all good.


                I’m pretty sure it will fit in that space…and you even have room for a few curls…hehe


                Thanks frozen 🙄 they are next on the list and then i will order a mother in em pea from emerald 😀


                  yes it looks like it will fit, that is cuute!
                  un-painted windstone!!!!!


                  Really ide screw him up if i put paint on him 😕


                    He will be a bit cramped, but he will fit! 😉

                  Viewing 15 posts - 661 through 675 (of 889 total)
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