Show Your Collections Ver:10

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  • #926580

      first windstone was the emerald green scratcher. He has a few tiny dings here and there but overall he looks amazing. I want photos of Hanna’s collection too. 😛


        Which one is the prototype, Stephanie? Is she in your signature photo?

        It looks as though the prototype is in the middle of the back row. He has a tongue sticking out. Later hatchers were made without the tongue.


          Which one is the prototype, Stephanie? Is she in your signature photo?

          It looks as though the prototype is in the middle of the back row. He has a tongue sticking out. Later hatchers were made without the tongue.



            Horrible, awful, washed out photos that do the Windstones in them no justice, and should never, ever, be posted. Yet, I post them as I have no motivation to try to take better ones. :p Missing from these photos are a gold Emperor, Black gold lap, and a red fox pebble which I got after that pebble group shot was taken. Plus a few pieces I have up for sale, so I have them boxed up.
             photo IMG_4641small_zpsfpqrwqha.jpg
             photo IMG_4639small_zpsnmfcb3fm.jpg
             photo IMG_4638small_zpslie7w0ze.jpg
             photo IMG_4635small_zpslh5wyr77.jpg
             photo IMG_4634small_zpsqn95fxag.jpg
             photo IMG_4645small_zpshm2y21gl.jpg
             photo IMG_4647small_zpsuwn2rbxh.jpg
             photo IMG_4650small_zpslb3wz6kk.jpg
             photo pebblegroupphotosmallcopy_zpsa6664030.jpg


              Nice collection! I would say your pictures are pretty good!

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                Beautiful collection Lokie! 🙂


                  OMG, the meerkat is HUGE!

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Horrible, awful, washed out photos that do the Windstones in them no justice, and should never, ever, be posted. Yet, I post them as I have no motivation to try to take better ones. :p Missing from these photos are a gold Emperor, Black gold lap, and a red fox pebble which I got after that pebble group shot was taken. Plus a few pieces I have up for sale, so I have them boxed up.
                     photo IMG_4641small_zpsfpqrwqha.jpg
                     photo IMG_4639small_zpsnmfcb3fm.jpg
                     photo IMG_4638small_zpslie7w0ze.jpg
                     photo IMG_4635small_zpslh5wyr77.jpg
                     photo IMG_4634small_zpsqn95fxag.jpg
                     photo IMG_4645small_zpshm2y21gl.jpg
                     photo IMG_4647small_zpsuwn2rbxh.jpg
                     photo IMG_4650small_zpslb3wz6kk.jpg
                     photo pebblegroupphotosmallcopy_zpsa6664030.jpg

                    Ahhhhhh I love your Razorback! I swear I will find one of them one of these days! Your collection is lovely and displayed so nicely.

                    Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                    ANY Red Eyed Unis
                    ANY Test Paint Bat
                    The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                    Male- Snow Leopard TP
                    White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                    Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                    Mother: Okapi
                    Gothic - Mahogany
                    PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                    DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                    Horrible, awful, washed out photos that do the Windstones in them no justice, and should never, ever, be posted. Yet, I post them as I have no motivation to try to take better ones. :p Missing from these photos are a gold Emperor, Black gold lap, and a red fox pebble which I got after that pebble group shot was taken. Plus a few pieces I have up for sale, so I have them boxed up.

                     photo IMG_4634small_zpsqn95fxag.jpg

                    What is that turtle looking thing? He looks very unique ! Is the tree coming out of his back?

                    And your meerkat ! I never knew they were so big, he looks life sized!


                      Thank you for the nice comments. When I move this summer I’ll get another glass display case so those others don’t have to be on the bookcase anymore.

                      OMG, the meerkat is HUGE!

                      And your meerkat ! I never knew they were so big, he looks life sized!

                      The mother meerkat is definitely a tall lady. Though, she is standing on a rock, so she is artificially inflating her height a bit! No high heels in the grasslands and deserts; they have to make do with what they got 😛

                      What is that turtle looking thing? He looks very unique ! Is the tree coming out of his back?

                      That is an OOAK piece by Wood-Splitter-Lee. Yes, it’s a tree growing out of its back! She use to do a lot more fantasy stuff (a lot of which looks like she deleted from her DeviantArt page….). Lately, she’s been doing more natural animals. Here is her DeviantArt page:


                      She doesn’t take commissions anymore, but before she stopped, she did this piece for the forum member Mmloda:



                      Wow, that tiger-dragon is very cool !


                      Awesome collection Lokie! I love your adult Poads!


                        I just checked out the links for Wood Splitter Lee and wow, her animal creations are amazing and so cute!

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          Wow, that… critter… from Wood-Splitter-Lee is groovy!

                          Amstaff, don’t feel bad about your collection. I got my first Windstones (old green male, mother, and hatcher) together as a family waaayyy back in the summer of ’86. With all that time to collect, I still have 20 (I think, all packed up safe at the moment) pieces total in my collection, another 4 or so that were bought to sell. You get what you’re able to or speaks to you, and you love them as much as those who are able/willing to have hundreds.


                            As I said in the pebble thread, I really did mean taking pictures of all the things! Sorry for the slight pic spam!

                            Windstones used to just occupy a bookcase in my room. Now they are scattered just about everywhere.

                            Let’s start with the dragons!
                             photo 31215 167_zpsidnmnnhe.jpg
                             photo 31215 168_zpse06iwvp5.jpg
                             photo 31215 170_zpsg23sysw5.jpg
                             photo 31215 172_zpsopg2rggl.jpg
                             photo 31215 171_zpsbue3cmpc.jpg

                            These guys wanted to show off a bit more!
                             photo 31215 174_zpsys4wsra5.jpg
                             photo 31215 175_zpsnhcwekph.jpg

                            And this one doesn’t chill on that bookcase!
                             photo 31215 173_zpsdsg4ccvw.jpg

                            PYO’s: The Dragon is Tudi Frudi by Bodine. The Kitsune is Luna by Hannah. The Phoenix is Aywen #2 by Moonbeam.
                             photo 31215 166_zpsqeztervj.jpg

                            The “I’ll just get one gbb unicorn and see if I like it” herd…
                             photo 31215 155_zpsdr1tdqrd.jpg
                             photo 31215 159_zpsavbag5jz.jpg

                            Magpie, Calico, Serendipity, and Equinox
                             photo 31215 157_zpstc5oquag.jpg
                             photo 31215 158_zpsl9igjdks.jpg

                            And the Poads, who I am just in love with!

                             photo 31215 165_zps9wuuc62s.jpg
                             photo 31215 162_zpszihcoowl.jpg
                             photo 31215 165_zps9wuuc62s.jpg

                            And of course the pebbles, but I won’t post those here again. Already more than enough pictures!

                          Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 601 total)
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