Show Your Collections Ver:10

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  • #926366

      A few random photos of some of my favorite things πŸ™‚
      This first picture is of my “Grail” kitties. These are located right next to my bed and stare at me while sleep. Siamese Bad Cat and Lynx Point kitten:
       photo grailkitties_zpszepnfluf.jpg
       photo 1shelf_zpsogjalsq6.jpg
      little group of Buckskins:
       photo 2shelf_zpshk6bmtu1.jpg
       photo 3shelf_zpsllp6dov0.jpg
       photo 1lbox_zpsf5owmihm.jpg
      Tiny clutter of Poads:
       photo 2lbox_zpscgmzkzt2.jpg
      I just love dichroic eyes!
       photo 3lbox_zpstshemgn8.jpg


      I just love dichroic eyes!
       photo 3lbox_zpstshemgn8.jpg

      Waa…what?! These exist?!
      They look awesome, and the rest of your collection is very impressive too! πŸ™‚


        A few random photos of some of my favorite things πŸ™‚
        This first picture is of my “Grail” kitties. These are located right next to my bed and stare at me while sleep. Siamese Bad Cat and Lynx Point kitten:
         photo grailkitties_zpszepnfluf.jpg
         photo 1shelf_zpsogjalsq6.jpg
        little group of Buckskins:
         photo 2shelf_zpshk6bmtu1.jpg
         photo 3shelf_zpsllp6dov0.jpg
         photo 1lbox_zpsf5owmihm.jpg
        Tiny clutter of Poads:
         photo 2lbox_zpscgmzkzt2.jpg
        I just love dichroic eyes!
         photo 3lbox_zpstshemgn8.jpg

        Love those grab bag young unicorns! What are their names?
        Congrats on a beautiful collection πŸ™‚

        Life is beautiful.


          Let’s see…there’s Durian the chestnut, Tesla the “paint puke”, Delight the black and purple, and the buckskin is Armada. πŸ™‚


            I just love froot loop and his matching unicorn friend. The buckskin family is perfect. You have a really beautiful and unique collection.


              Very nice collection! I agree the special fledgling and colourful baby unicorn are really cool as is the young poad! Thanks for posting pics.

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                I have always admired the Froot Loop Fledgie. What a great win!!! I have to say, the l’il Buckskin baby kirin…I just wanna squish him!! lol!! Awesome collection! Thanks for sharing some of your faves! Same for everyone…thanks so much for sharing.

                Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                  WOW that froot loop fledgie looks better in your pictures than the other ones I’ve seen. Was he a prize or did he come from ebay? I love your Siamese bad cat too. Those red eyes are awesome πŸ™‚

                  The brown mother dragon…was that the MIB one from ebay? She looks perfect!


                    Yes it was the one from ebay and she is perfect!! she had very slight dusting on her but a little q-tip action got rid of it very easily. i am ecstatic with her.


                      And wolfen….your dragons….holy Crap woman….is that a kiwi lap? Your orientals are just….wow! And I bow down to your tattoo dragons. Very very nice. You have an incredible collection.

                      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                        A few random photos of some of my favorite things πŸ™‚

                         photo 3shelf_zpsllp6dov0.jpg

                        Tiny clutter of Poads:
                         photo 2lbox_zpscgmzkzt2.jpg

                        I really like your adult poad with the bats and is that green and gold colt the one with the winged dragon on his back? I loved him. Your collection is beautiful!


                        Wow, some of the collections I see on here are absolutley amazing !! All the beautiful pieces !! Makes my collection look very meager and plain…. oh well, thought I would share anyways πŸ™‚


                          No, no, not meager and plain – call it carefully curated. There’s nothing wrong with growing slowly. πŸ™‚ You have some very nice pieces.


                            You have a lovely collection, Amstaff! I like the leafy baby uni – so pretty! And I’m happy to see the kitsune in a collection – I was wondering what size she was.

                            Thanks for posting pictures!


                            Thank you guys ! I would love to have the female kirin and baby, to go with the male one I have, but Im finding those retired ones harder to come by for a decent price. Some day I will find him a mate πŸ™‚

                            Slowly I will add more special pieces I know, in time πŸ˜‰ I love seeing my collection grow, and funny to think it hasnt even been a year yet since I started πŸ˜› It will be a year in June !

                            I do worry about my glass curio though… not sure how much more I would risk on those glass shelves. Someday I will need another curio Im guessing.

                            Does anyone else keep a working Windstone list, that they add to and subtract from, of the pieces they own, or am I the only crazy one that does this? When ever I get a new piece I note the piece, where I got it from, the price, cost of shipping and customs if I had to pay that to, and the date. I also list any fuzzy’s I get with the pieces they hitched rides with πŸ™‚ Maybe Im a little too organized? Meh, I just like remembering things, and since my memory sucks LOL, I keep it nice and neat like this !

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