Show Your Collections Ver:10

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  • #929943

    I finally took pictures of my whole collection. I have holes in spots ready for the red fire male and peacock kinglet I am waiting for. 🙂

    close up of my poad clutter:
     photo IMG_5349_zpsajyhjhrk.jpg

    Oooo… I see the little Hippie Poad who used to live with me ! He looks very happy there (but it makes me miss him ! LOL!) He has traveled a long ways, and was once in Cape Breton and Halifax Nova Scotia ! He looks like he has a huge family now 🙂 Say “Hi” to him for me ! 😛


      Since I was just able to get one of my grail pieces I figured it was a good time to post pictures.

       photo IMAG0016_zps355bi1vz.jpg

       photo IMAG0017_zpsqtcfcpuu.jpg

       photo IMAG0019_zpsbkzypdpk.jpg


        Since I was just able to get one of my grail pieces I figured it was a good time to post pictures.

         photo IMAG0016_zps355bi1vz.jpg

        Oooohh.. who is that Old Warrior Dragon on the second shelf, second from the right? He’s gorgeous!! Awesome collection of dragons!!

        ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

        • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
        ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
        ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
        ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

        • ► By Melody ◄ •
        ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
        ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
        ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


          My first adult dragon just arrived – The Plum Male Test Paint. What a gorgeous sculpt! It’s so detailed in person! I adore him!

          I’m a bit late on this, but I’m so glad he arrived safely and that you like him so much! I also loved him to death – he was also my first male dragon sculpt! Wish I hadn’t had to sell him, but it turns out houses are expensive :p And I’m glad he went to a good home! He really is a beaut.


            Since I was just able to get one of my grail pieces I figured it was a good time to post pictures.

             photo IMAG0016_zps355bi1vz.jpg

            Oooohh.. who is that Old Warrior Dragon on the second shelf, second from the right? He’s gorgeous!! Awesome collection of dragons!!

            That’s Blackwatch, the one that prompted the photos.


              Since I was just able to get one of my grail pieces I figured it was a good time to post pictures.

              Oooohh.. who is that Old Warrior Dragon on the second shelf, second from the right? He’s gorgeous!! Awesome collection of dragons!!

              That’s Blackwatch, the one that prompted the photos.

              Lol… count on me to be Cpt. Obvious, and point out the piece who’s the reason for the photo prompt xD
              He’s amazing. Congrats!!

              ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

              • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
              ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
              ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
              ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

              • ► By Melody ◄ •
              ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
              ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
              ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                Beautiful collection, Dragon Hoarder! And a beautiful display case!


                  So, I was looking at my poads today and i realized i hadnt posted my photos of my current collection in a while. These poads im about to list are all for sale at store price + shipping too if you see soemthing you like. i have 21 poads so i would not mind letting some go haha.

                  Poaad Army for sale:

                   photo 20150530_185307_zpsbfaoko6v.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185327_zpsdasqvzt2.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185344_zps7fyucjjs.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185404_zpsq2tp9job.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185554_zpspik3fcck.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185610_zpsy9k9gmrx.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185630_zpssjxzjnmr.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185651_zpsziurd7gj.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185923_zpscmbgtjos.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185935_zpsyvjnk52g.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185946_zpschbiizgz.jpg
                   photo 20150530_185958_zpsw9zfsxvm.jpg

                  These next poads are not available at this time. I already sold most of my awesome pastels to Angelika Zen when i was weak! lol just kidding, I was happy she got to enjoy them

                   photo 20150530_190106_zpsmhxci3ps.jpg
                   photo 20150530_190116_zpswpckmgsp.jpg
                   photo 20150530_190125_zpsebqpkqne.jpg
                   photo 20150530_190150_zpspozmiane.jpg
                   photo 20150530_190203_zpsbfp2t6d6.jpg
                   photo 20150530_190215_zpshu9asxs6.jpg
                   photo 20150530_190257_zps5ohvrqzp.jpg


                    It’s been a long time since I posted pics. Sorry if some of these are reposts.

                     photo Shelves 123_zpsbiote4ur.jpg
                     photo Shelves 122_zpsfhdl5flv.jpg
                     photo Shelves 85_zpsev8dte5n.jpg
                     photo Shelves 93_zpsrtxbg1wt.jpg
                     photo Shelves 87_zpsskplaacq.jpg
                     photo Shelves 92_zpskycnss2t.jpg
                     photo Sand Tiger Shelf 1_zpsauzxs53k.jpg
                     photo Bengal Shelf 1_zpslifttdge.jpg
                     photo Cheetahs_zpsckq7craa.jpg
                     photo Red Panda Cuteness 2_zpswoyl25m1.jpg
                     photo Tie Dye Dragons 1_zpsvfwmcdvv.jpg
                     photo Tie Dye OW 2_zpsu2gbsjgu.jpg
                     photo ebay Grands 16_zpscas4osqh.jpg
                     photo Python Moon Dragon 5_zps0wvvdtdo.jpg
                     photo Rose Tiger Hatching Royalty 1_zpsvqyuwfk5.jpg
                     photo 100_0538_zpse97b257b.jpg

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      Gorgeous collection, drag0n! But.. I don’t see anyone familiar… 😉

                      ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

                      • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
                      ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                      ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                      ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                      • ► By Melody ◄ •
                      ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                      ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                      ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                        Haha! No… I don’t think I’ve taken any pics of him yet. I’ll have to do that! That’s only like… 20% probably of all I have… It would take me days to photograph it all. x.x

                        I sorta have too many I think… but it’s so hard to get rid of them. LOL!

                        Got a busted Windstone?
                        *OPEN for repairs*

                        *SEEKING GRAILS*
                        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                        Siphlophis Male Dragon
                        Calypso Hatching Empress
                        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                        Tattoo Mother Kirin
                        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                          Drag0n, do you have more pics of that pink and green Poad that’s in the center of your cluster, that you’d be willing to post? I’m super curious what she looks like, looks very unique!


                            You have an amazing collection there Drag0n! Thanks for posting pics. I especially like all the colourful young poads! Do you have pictures of your baby unicorns and kirins too? I would also love to see those.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                              Hey Drag0n…what breed is that oriental Sun dragon? The one on the shelf with your Sands?

                              Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                                Listing your collection is great, but putting an image to it is usually better. So here’s most of my collection. Except for my personal PYOs.

                                Main Collection

                                I’m also a big lover of DBZ, if that wasn’t obvious from these few pics.

                                PYOs 01

                                ‘Torch’ by Koishii Kitty sits with my collection of cat figures that have caught my interest over the past few years.

                                PYOs 02

                                ‘Mnemosyne’ looks great with Goku, doesn’t he?

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