Show me your black/golds!

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    I would love to see pics of black/gold dragons (or the black/violet? I think there’s that too).

    Anyone want to share? 😀 Thanks in advance!
    And c’mon make those pics pretty! Out in the sunlight would be nice…. *_*


    Maybe when I get home I could post pics of my to BG dragons…. coiled mum and fledgie.


      My prototype OW:

      I do have a black-violet-peacock OW as well, he’s packed up right now. I’ll try and get pics tomorrow.


      Oh he’s beautiful Jasmine, just stunning! Thanks for the great pic! *_*


        No photos in the sun, but here are some of the Ebay photos of my BG lap I took on an overcast day:

        NIce photo, Jasmine. The prototype looks a bit different than the production color I have.


        My BG Coiled mumma. Don’t have a picture of my fledgie, but he’s a little banged up anyway (the only casualty of any of my movings….) :shrug:


        That mother coiled is really gorgeous, I hope I can obtain one of those! Thanks again for the pics guys!


          I have every black gold except the ow and riser… but I’m at work right now… lol. Hopefully I’ll remember later… I’ll take some pictures.


            WOW. Now I *definitely* have to get one of those! 🙂

            Lokie wrote:

            No photos in the sun, but here are some of the Ebay photos of my BG lap I took on an overcast day:

            Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


              I am too busy, and have too many to take out in the sun, so these are all indoors and nothing special… just how they’re set up. ‘Sides, I think the sun here would just blind their colors ah x__x Way too much bright sun… I hate the sun. But I hope they work anyway. The Emp and Scratcher seem to not photo well, due to that they aren’t up against a white background.

              Got this guy thanks to my best bud, who knew I wanted a scratcher since I was 10 or so.

              Wouldn’t have had this guy if that same friend hadn’t bought him for me.

              Almost forgot this guy.

              Still need the ow and riser… the most expensive ones x__x Will probably be awhile before I get them.


              The Riser is beautiful in Black Gold!! Kujacker, I love the top pic with Megatron at the bottom just peeking in long enough to shoot you with his fusion cannon and leave! I also love the mullet Fuzzy on your White Coiled Male. I’m still trying to figure out who the last two Transformers are in your last picture, and don’t think I can’t see that Transformers movie poster peeking in there!


                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                The Riser is beautiful in Black Gold!! Kujacker, I love the top pic with Megatron at the bottom just peeking in long enough to shoot you with his fusion cannon and leave! I also love the mullet Fuzzy on your White Coiled Male. I’m still trying to figure out who the last two Transformers are in your last picture, and don’t think I can’t see that Transformers movie poster peeking in there!

                I’m sure the riser looks wonderful in black gold. I have a peacock riser, so I’m hoping he’ll look even better in bg. I just don’t have the money right now to buy them… the last two for my black golds!

                The last photo has Blackout, Scorponok, and Brawl in it (and a mini Scorponok on Blackout’s arm).
                No poster… just a limited Megatron lithograph. Something you got from Best Buy if you were one of the first like 50 (? I think it was 50, it’s been a long while lol) people to buy the movie on the release date (<3 Meggy). I have a movie poster, one of those heavy double sided ones from the first movie… but that's not pictured lol. It's above all my pyos and cat wizard.
                My room is scattered with tf toys… old and new. Though I’ve put a ton of them away to make room for windstones and such, and just to clean up the clutter.

                … lol, my coiled has a mullet! I never viewed it as such… it now that I look at it… 😆


                *_* Oh so beautiful, all of them! I understand your issues with sunlight. LOL That’s quite all right. 😀

                Thanks so much for the pics! That white/blue/silver coiled you have there is equally as lovely….I am aching to get my hands on a black/gold set which is why I asked for these pics! They photograph so nicely!

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