Well, good news is that the suppor has held and is much stronger then my old support. Unfortunatly, when the tail fell a lot of areas got stratched or smoshed so Ive had to go over and smooth out a lot of my work. I have to set the dragon aside for a little while due to school and medical reasons but it shouldnt take to long to finish it once I can work on it again. For now, here are some pics of it at it present state and some pics of Sheridan, the custom shoulder dragon I was given a long time ago that inspired me to do this project. She is very old and a lot of her paint has rubbed off from me constantly wearing her wherever I would go. Ive tried very hard to make my dragon as different from Sheridan’s design so that when I sell it, there are no legal problems. Ive think Ive done a really good job at that.