Shell Pink Photos?

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      Just wondering if anyone has photos of their Shell Pink lovlies that they’d be willing to post. 🙂 I’m having trouble deciding which one(s?) to buy! Hoping for indoor shots but obviously I’d love anything.

      They just have a slightly more tangible quality to my brain when there’s some background to compare them to, you know what I mean?


        Go for the lap dragon! I have one of the old pink lap dragons and she looks lovely in pink…even though this one is a little different. I think the silver suits her.

        Also, I hope there will be a pink OW. I may need the gender confused little guy


          The Lap is on my “maybe” list!

          I am sooo stuck on the Emp though. He looks surprisingly regal still in pink, but if I don’t like it in person I’ll be hard pressed to resell, due to International shipping costs. I keep teetering between him and the Amethyst Emp but I can’t seem to find non-stock photos of either.

          (Also I’m still ~kinda~ waiting for more white Orientals but I believe I read there were some casting issues, so I’m not sure if that’s still happening.)


            Rachelled, i posted a quick pic of my male in the sun….somewhere in the shell pink discussion thread. Please dont go off that picture. He is lovely in pink, but that photo is washed out. I highly recommend getting one, or two….but personally, i cannot see an entire pink shelf. This is just my two cents. Its like….whow! Pink! If you know what i mean. And i can only imagine that whow! Would get louder, the larger the sculpt. Again…just my opinion.

            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


              I am building my collection of Pinks. Last night I ordered the Mother Coiled and the Coiled Dragons and I have the Lap, Curlie, Hatching 2, Baby, Fledgling and Mini along with 3 other pink curlies and 3 pinks Purple Cat painted for me


                I just received my shell pink lap dragon. I’ll post pictures of her soon. She is very pretty. 🙂


                  Thanks for your input everyone! Angel, the male is gorgeous, thank you!

                  Bullsquid – I’d love to see your Lap!


                    Here she is, as promised!


                      Very pretty lap dragon! I wish I had room for a big dragon but I am still waiting to get a pink fledgling!

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        Nice photos. 🙂 I have a Shell Pink emperor who has been waiting patiently (I hope) for me to stop traveling. The weather is rainy today … and tomorrow … and the next day … but I’ll try to post pics soon if someone is interested.


                          Having said that I would post photos of the Shell Pink Emperor if anybody was interested, and having gotten no encouragement whatsoever, here are photos of him anyway. 😉

                          His eyes look blue in outdoor photos but they are silver:


                            These dragons wear it well. Thanks for sharing…im glad i got to see them.

                            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                              Oh wow he’s gorgeous!


                                Ahhh, thanks so much for your photos all! They are too pretty!


                                  Etruscan, THANK YOU for posting pictures of the emperor 😉 Im loving the new old warrior…but I’m wishing they all had a little more contrast…like a pearly white chest that stood out more from the body, and a fade on the wing from pink to pearly white. I’ll probably get the old warrior one day though 🙂 and the fledgling seems like she’d wear the color well

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