Seriously considering PYO…EDIT- OK, Im diving in ! Got my PYO sculpts !

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Seriously considering PYO…EDIT- OK, Im diving in ! Got my PYO sculpts !

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      Susie is the Queen of Customer Service!

      Windstone rocks!

      I’m glad that you are jumping into the PYOs. Good for you. πŸ™‚

      I think most of your questions were answered excpet maybe your question about the “Antiquing Medium” I looked everywhere in Ontario and no one had it, so I ordered it direct from Decoart.

      They have a minimum shipping requirement to Canada, so I ordered some intresting paints in addition to a truckload of the antiquing medium. Interesting how? Well – metal paint in gold and silver suitable for unicorn horns, as one example.

      Enjoy your foray into painting.

      Life is beautiful.


        Michael’s also carries an Antiquing Medium made by ‘Folk Art’ you can try. πŸ™‚

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


          Michael’s also carries an Antiquing Medium made by ‘Folk Art’ you can try. πŸ™‚

          I thought they did, but I called and looked in about 6 stores in my area and the response was just “no”. Nothing on the shelves, either.
          I might as well have asked them if they had paint for my spaceship.
          I couldn’t even find it on their website. Neither antiquing medium or spaceship paint. πŸ˜‰
          Good to know it’s back in some stores. Thanks.

          Life is beautiful.


          Thanks for the info on the Antiquing Medium, thats something I still have to get.

          So far this is what I got today at Michaels ! (saved almost $60 using discount coupons)

          I hope all this is ok, and that I didnt buy anything that Im not supposed to use, lol ! I also hope its ok to mix liquitex and golden products together ? Maybe these are questions I should have asked before….

          One thing Michaels did not have was the Golden GAC 100 Acrylic Polymer Medium. All I could find were 2 other products which I thought MAY work , but I wasnt sure, and the staff at Michaels were not much help on this. One was called Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish (fluid Medium) which said it could be used both as a thinner for paint and a varnish. Then golden had a product, Polymer Medium (gloss). But Im not sure if these do the same thing as the GAC 100…. all this is still so confusing at times.

          Thanks again for everyones help !


            I hope all this is ok, and that I didnt buy anything that Im not supposed to use, lol ! I also hope its ok to mix liquitex and golden products together ? Maybe these are questions I should have asked before….

            One thing Michaels did not have was the Golden GAC 100 Acrylic Polymer Medium. All I could find were 2 other products which I thought MAY work , but I wasnt sure, and the staff at Michaels were not much help on this. One was called Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish (fluid Medium) which said it could be used both as a thinner for paint and a varnish. Then golden had a product, Polymer Medium (gloss). But Im not sure if these do the same thing as the GAC 100…. all this is still so confusing at times.

            Thanks again for everyones help !

            I’ve mixed liquitex and Golden brands together before, and had no problems. Just my experience though, not sure if others have. Just make sure to follow the guidelines on the label of the Retarder, as too much will make your paint finish sticky and won’t dry properly.

            I haven’t tried either the Golden Polymer Medium or Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish, so I can’t offer advice.


              I’ve mixed liquitex and Golden brands together before, and had no problems. Just my experience though, not sure if others have. Just make sure to follow the guidelines on the label of the Retarder, as too much will make your paint finish sticky and won’t dry properly.

              DD: So THIS is why my PYO pup feels sticky!! (Maybe.) Not to thread-jack, but if anyone reading this should happen to have Liquitex slow-dri blending medium, would you mind telling me what exactly the instructions for using this medium are? My instruction label is written entirely in Japanese so it’s useless to me. πŸ™


                Hee Hee!
                Your Michael’s spree is just about what I got too – piece for piece!
                My only suggestion if you don’t already have one, is a Color Wheel – Michael’s has two sizes – I would suggest the bigger one.

                I haven’t mixed my Liquitex with my Golden paints yet, but I have used them with the Jaquard Luminere Metallic paints & Sargents Liquid Metallics (both from DickBlick) and the Folk Art paints (Antiquing Medium and Glitter paints) – all played nice together!

                Have Fun! πŸ™‚

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                  I’ve mixed liquitex and Golden brands together before, and had no problems. Just my experience though, not sure if others have. Just make sure to follow the guidelines on the label of the Retarder, as too much will make your paint finish sticky and won’t dry properly.

                  DD: So THIS is why my PYO pup feels sticky!! (Maybe.) Not to thread-jack, but if anyone reading this should happen to have Liquitex slow-dri blending medium, would you mind telling me what exactly the instructions for using this medium are? My instruction label is written entirely in Japanese so it’s useless to me. πŸ™

                  I have the liquitex slow-dri retarder. All it says on my bottle is “do not add more than 25% by volume” and “mix with any acrylic color or Liquitex Medium.” The rest of the text is just its uses. “Slow drying and increases blending time” and “does not contain acrylic resin to act as a binder, use sparingly.”

                  Uh, might have given you the label for the wrong thing but hey, now you know what the Liquitex slow-dri retarder says. *shrug*


                  Hee Hee!
                  Your Michael’s spree is just about what I got too – piece for piece!
                  My only suggestion if you don’t already have one, is a Color Wheel – Michael’s has two sizes – I would suggest the bigger one.

                  I haven’t mixed my Liquitex with my Golden paints yet, but I have used them with the Jaquard Luminere Metallic paints & Sargents Liquid Metallics (both from DickBlick) and the Folk Art paints (Antiquing Medium and Glitter paints) – all played nice together!

                  Have Fun! πŸ™‚

                  Sweet ! πŸ™‚ And thanks for the color wheel tip, I actually looked at them briefly, but then didnt bother. Now I think I will get one the next time I go in.

                  I think I found another source for some of my supplies also. There is a DeSerres store down town here that I didnt know about, and I looked online and they do stock the Golden GAC 100 Acrylic Polymer medium. So once I can find my way there, I will just about have everything I need to start my first PYO !

                  @ Lokie Thanks for the Retarder tip, I will remember that πŸ˜‰ And good to know you have mixed brands together without issue.

                  So, when mixing my first paint to work with, do I add equal parts retarder to GAC 100 to paint ? All that can mix together ? Really? Or ???


                    Oh, I didn’t see it in your shopping pictures (very nice set of liquitex paints btw) so maybe you got some already…but don’t forget to get a sealer (lacquer/varnish…never seem to find the right word for it) for when you’re done painting! To protect the paint job you did. Good luck!


                    Oh, I didn’t see it in your shopping pictures (very nice set of liquitex paints btw) so maybe you got some already…but don’t forget to get a sealer (lacquer/varnish…never seem to find the right word for it) for when you’re done painting! To protect the paint job you did. Good luck!

                    Today a friend of mine picked up the last few things I needed, that Michaels didn’t carry. This included the GAC 100 medium, and liquitex ultra glossy varnish. I think Im ready to go materials wise, now to wait for my PYO’s to arrive πŸ™‚

                    In the mean time I can brainstorm on color ideas, and try and figure out the whole process. Such as how do I begin… mix paint-medium-and retarder all together?


                      From what I’ve seen in stuff on youtube, the retarder, paint, and medium all get mixed together on a pallet. If you have a pallet spray, you can spray that on first to help keep your paint wet from the bottom up.

                      Also, thank you for the instructions Lokie. πŸ™‚


                        I have never used retarder, just Golden’s Acrylic Glazing Liquid to extend the working time of the paint and give it a bit of gloss. What does the retarder do differently? Do others on here use that as well?

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          and liquitex ultra glossy varnish. I think Im ready to go materials wise, now to wait for my PYO’s to arrive πŸ™‚

                          Just to add fuel to the fire, there might be times when you’ll want different finishes. I have a satin varnish and a glossy varnish. Some also have flat varnishes πŸ™‚

                          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          @lasohaney Thanks for that info πŸ˜‰

                          and liquitex ultra glossy varnish. I think Im ready to go materials wise, now to wait for my PYO’s to arrive πŸ™‚

                          Just to add fuel to the fire, there might be times when you’ll want different finishes. I have a satin varnish and a glossy varnish. Some also have flat varnishes πŸ™‚

                          Oh, thanks! LOL! Now I wonder if I need more stuff… and I wonder if this Ultra Gloss stuff will be too glossy ? Any one use this stuff?

                          And I forgot about antiquing medium…. still need that, but dont know if I need it right away, it may not be something I want to try to mess with yet.

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