Selling off some of my art

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      It’s coming time for me to move again, soon. I have moved once each year for the last 6 years. It’s not fun and through so much moving I’ve gotten rid of most of my stuff that I don’t want or have need for.

      One thing I hate transporting are my big pieces of art. I’m always worried I’m going to scratch them, or punch holes in the canvas, or otherwise destroy them somehow. I would love to get them off my hands when it comes time to move.

      All these prices are for YOU GUYS and the people that watch my journal only. 🙂 I wanted to offer to my friends first. Ordinarily I wouldn’t be posting my stuff for sale here, but I hope I can save some money up for moving expenses..

      “Breath of Sunrise” 14″ x 18″ Original oil painting on a gallery stretched canvas. This means there are no staples at the edges, and the painting ‘wraps’ around the canvas. I bought the highest quality premium ‘pro’ canvases for these paintings and they and the special oils I used were very expensive.

      I originally had this priced for $280. It’s listed on my site as on sale for $260. I will take $220+ shipping for it though. – ON HOLD –

      “Summons of Deep” 12″ x 12″ Original oil painting, again on gallery canvas just like the one above. I’m tossing in the ACEO that inpired it for free, like it’s listed on my site.

      I have this listed on my site for $250, but I’ll take $210 + shipping for it.

      Random black dragon mask- I made this to wear last Halloween and it got some really cool reactions. It’s 100% hand made by myself, except the antlers, which were made by a whitetail deer. I think it’s a really neat mask but again it’s something I’m scared to break in all this moving around. I’d much rather someone else enjoy it. It’s not modeled after anyone’s character, it’s just supposed to be a generic black dragon. It’s made with paper clay (lightweight paper mache), cardboard under the earfins, three real deer antlers, and some nice black rooser coque feathers. The inside is padded with black felt and it attaches with a elastic harness. It’s comfortable to wear for short periods of time- I haven’t worn it over long periods of time so I don’t know how it is then. This one displays very well when not worn and could be hung as a display piece. The paints on this really shine nicely and it was pretty expensive to make. Only worn once, at Halloween last year.

      SOLD/ON HOLD (Thank you!!!)

      Random green dragon mask. I made this for Eld in a hurry last year for Halloween. Again, we like the mask, but we’re scared of breaking things and we’d like it to go to someone who would enjoy it more. 100% handmade except the antlers of course, made with paperclay and cardboard, and two real deer antlers. The crest on this was an experiment and is made of fabric- it didn’t come out as intended and is a bit rough around the edges. I’m sure the roughness could easily be hidden by anyone with any sort of crafty skill, or it could be removed and feathers or something else added. I’d do this myself if only I had the time to do so! Even still it doesn’t look terrible- no one noticed it on Halloween- but it may not display as well as the black one will as it is. The colors on this one are really cool… green that shimmers a bit, and shifts to a nice blue on the cheeks and upper parts of the mask. Lined in felt and held on with elastic. Only worn once at Halloween last year.

      I’m asking $45 + shipping. -ON HOLD-

      Thanks for looking! 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


        😯 Wow! That first dragon mask in amazing! I like how you credited the animals for supplying some materials- that was nice of you.

        Personally, I dont think you should sell the first mask. I know youre worried about it breaking during moving but if you were to ship it, you would have to pack it properly anyway. So, why not pack it up like that just for the move? Unless it’s a major combo of needing the money as well as the fear of breakage. But that mask is just too original to part with, IMO.

        Just my 2¢ 😀


          PhoenixTears wrote:

          Unless it’s a major combo of needing the money as well as the fear of breakage.

          You hit the nail on the head. 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Nambroth wrote:

          PhoenixTears wrote:

          Unless it’s a major combo of needing the money as well as the fear of breakage.

          You hit the nail on the head. 🙂
          Oh bummer. I didnt really want to. I cant even find my hammer!


            Oh wow! I love the masks!! 😀


              SO cool, Nam… *squirm* I reeeeally want those oil paintings…

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                I absolutely love your art Nam! So tempting…

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                Lovely! Sad the 1st dragon mask sold… but I’m interested in the second 🙂


                  Those masks are awesome! Congrats on the sales/potential sales. I really love the first pic, too. Adding the ACEO with the second pic is really cool, too. I hope they sell well. 🙂


                  I really like the Sunrise painting. But I have absolutely no wallspace in my room.


                    Lemme know if you ever do a large piece of one of your winged cat aceos, especially the tan one. I’d make a way to get it! 😀 I loooove that piece!


                      pardon my ignorance 😳 but what is an aceos? i’ve seen it mentioned on other threads as well. thanks




                        ACEO = art cards, editions and originals.





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