Home Forums Administration Flea Market SELLING GAMECUBE

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  • #497472


    Ok so now I’m selling something for me. 🙂 You can’t get a deal if you buy both my xbox and this, because technically we are separate sellers. Me and my brother, I mean.

    I got a Wii from my brother for Christmas (and next year’s birthday, and Christmas, and so on). So I want to sell my Gamecube. I’m including the new Zelda game (Twilight Princess) and one controller (not an original controller but it is compatible). I’m not including memory cards I only ever had one and I want to keep it (it works for gamecube games on the Wii). It’s the purple one not the Silver one.

    Since this one’s in good working order, I’m starting the sale at $40 (US), plus shipping and Handling.

    This is bidding, not straight sale, PM me to bid or inquire.

    I take Paypal or Money Order, as before.

    If the bidding goes above $100 I will probably include a second game free of charge. 😀

    Current Bid:

    I will end this next Friday (the 30th of January) at 8pm mountain standard time.


    Bump? I’ll consider any offer given.

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