Selling Em Wind Wizard/dragons/griffins

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  • #666396

    I am selling some of my Windstones to come up with the money to get my car fixed. I got in a accident a couple of weeks ago. I had the money but then I had to pay some bills. So up for grabs are:

    My Brown OW:
    It is in Mint Condition with the box, may have a little dust
    Starting price is what I paid for it in the Windstone store
    Current Offer:

    My White OW:
    It is in Mint Condition with the box, may have a little dust
    Starting price is what I paid for it in the Windstone store
    Current Offer:

    My Emerald Wind Wizard:
    It has some chips, but has the certificate and box
    Starting price is $90 OBO (I may trade for a burnt sugar poad or something else)

    A left hand dragon Sconce:
    I will have to double check on the condition, but I believe it doesn’t have any chips. It doesn’t come with a box, but I do know how to package them really well.
    Starting price is $50 (I may work with this one a little)

    A pearl female griffin:
    It is in mint in the box. I didn’t even open the box and comes with the certificate.
    Starting price is what I paid for it in the Windstone store

    A pearl sitting griffin chick:
    It is in mint in the box. I didn’t even open the box and comes with the certificate.
    Starting price is what I paid for it in the Windstone store
    Current Offer:

    A ruby hatching dragon:
    It is in mint in the box. I bought it from a local store and they packed it in there.
    Starting price is $43.00
    Current Offer:

    A violet flame curlie from the first batch (mistake batch):
    It is in mint in the box.
    Starting price is $60 because they aren’t going to make it anymore
    Current Offer:

    Depending on where you live and the offer you PM me, I might be willing to throw in free shipping.
    Some of the newest stuff I missed are the silver male/mother/lap. The Burnt sugar poad. The Rainbow rising spectral/scratcher. Depending on how the sales go, I may entertain trades on the ones where I didn’t say.
    Again, please PM me with offers. Thanks.



      Awwww brown OW!!! Wants!! Geez I hate saving money. 🙁


        My brown OW is one of my favorites. Whoever gets this one will be very happy!

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          My Brown OW is also one of my most favorite pieces and I know that whoever gets will adore him….he does really look great in that color… 😀



          PM’d you about the brown OW 😀


            Leigha wrote:

            PM’d you about the brown OW 😀

            YAY…. 😆 I hope you get him Leigha.



            Aggghhh!!! Finally a brown OW is available and everyone wants it? Not fair!

            PMing too!



              My brown OW was my first OW and after seeing him I ordered the white, gold and red fire OW’s.


                PM’d you about the white OW. I NEED HIM!!!! 😯


                PM’d you!


                Sorry you have to sell, dragoness. Good luck to everybody who’s after the pieces, though.


                Thanks GB.

                I need to add a couple of things.

                I prefer to accept payment thru Paypal and if Paypal is the payment then I will be accepting offers on these until Friday 8pm Mountain time. I can wait for payment until Saturday thru Paypal, but not after that time unless I get enough money for the repairs.

                Also I prefer shipping Fedex and UPS. If you choose the post office then it might take longer for you to get the item because they close earlier.

                I will put what the current offer is on the original post. Thank you for looking and the interest.


                And that puts me out of the running for the brown OW 🙁 darn it. Yay for whoever winds up getting him.


                  Leigha wrote:

                  And that puts me out of the running for the brown OW 🙁 darn it. Yay for whoever winds up getting him.

                  LOL me, too, though I did refrain from actually offering.

                  I am so glad you got a great offer for him. 🙂

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