search for a better life/ update page 18

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  • #707864

      skigod377 wrote:

      Im sorry girl. Your man is a poop. πŸ™ Has he even remembered your birthday yet??

      Nope, I even left the birthday bag with the present still inside on the kitchen counter that I got from my friend. Beside it was a birthday card addressed to me…and still noting? He has to be the less caring man I know!
      πŸ‘Ώ Totaly selfish.
      I wish I had not spent a dime on his birthday last march. If there is a next year, he’s getting naught from me. Even spent valentine’s day with his friend and new year’s. Has the nerve to call me at 12:30AM from his friend’s house to wish me Happy new year, talk about rubbing it in, @$$ where the sun don’t shine. God forbid should his friend pass those days alone, better to let the girlfriend spend them alone.
      Well he can marry him for all I care.
      That is the same friend that insulted me in my own home!

      Ummm…Sorry have to let it out. 😯 πŸ™„
      I have to stop doing that. If I was to type it everytime he says or does something well you would have a page for every day…almost.
      Sometime I find ways to avoid him completely. πŸ˜‰
      Not always easy. πŸ™„


      Oh my. I wish I could fly in there and rescue you. Don’t blame yourself for that low-life. You are better than him! πŸ˜€


        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        Oh my. I wish I could fly in there and rescue you. Don’t blame yourself for that low-life. You are better than him! πŸ˜€

        Totally, completely agree with eaglefeather! Especially the ‘you are better than him!’ part… I wish I lived closer to you instead of a continent away…




          Ok, plan 2 is under way. I only hope it works. If it doesnt, I am quitting. What are you up to tomorrow BDW?


            skigod377 wrote:

            Ok, plan 2 is under way. I only hope it works. If it doesnt, I am quitting. What are you up to tomorrow BDW?

            Working all day and friday too. WWWWHYYY? πŸ˜•
            PMed you


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              Ok, plan 2 is under way. I only hope it works. If it doesnt, I am quitting. What are you up to tomorrow BDW?

              Working all day and friday too. WWWWHYYY? πŸ˜•
              PMed you

              Im such a moron. Surprise? πŸ˜€ 😳 πŸ™„


                skigod377 wrote:

                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Ok, plan 2 is under way. I only hope it works. If it doesnt, I am quitting. What are you up to tomorrow BDW?

                Working all day and friday too. WWWWHYYY? πŸ˜•
                PMed you

                Im such a moron. Surprise? πŸ˜€ 😳 πŸ™„

                Guys please don’t be hard on Ski right now but I do have to share this and must say that she is a sweetheart! This is the best present you guys could give me laughter!

                Read the following pms between me and Ski and you’ll understand:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Ok, this is what I did. I have not yet received a refund from the cheese folks but I went ahead and ordered this with one additional mylar balloon that is supposed to say “happy birthday.” If any of you mind, I can always refund you the money. I just though that it was for BDW and BDW should get something… hopefully something that reminds her crappy bf that she had a birthday. If this fails in any way, I am just refunding all your money and giving up. πŸ˜† The message is as follows:

                Occasion: Birthday
                Card Message: Happy Belated Birthday from your friends at the forum. Sorry about the cheese… hopfully the flowers made it ok,} We love you and hope you cheer up!!
                Card Signature: From the Windstone Forum Folks.
                Uh.. Ski…I don’t think I was supose to get this pm from you.
                And you really shouldn’t send me anything else. I know you guys thought of me and I appreciate it.
                Please use the money for someone else. There are so many members that are going through a hard time right now.
                Don’t think I don’t appreciate what you are doing because I do.
                My boyfriend is going to start thinking I’m having an affair with you guys. Nobody ever does nice things like that for me.
                Oh this is priceless!!!!
                Can I share with the forum members? It’s just too funny! πŸ˜†
                Now this is the best birthday present you could ever give me: laughter!
                Thank you
                God I suck so bad!! πŸ˜† You may share and have a laugh at my expense. Humor is the best gift anyway.


                  That’s wonderful!!!!ROTFLMAO!! way to go Ski!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                    I love you more now Ski for being such a sport about it.
                    Thank you so much… πŸ˜† I haven’t laugh so much in a long time! I won’t forget this. πŸ˜€


                      πŸ˜† Glad to see you laughing about it. πŸ˜†


                        So much for sneaky, hu? Good thing I am not special ops or anything. The nations security would be in a heap o’ trouble. πŸ˜›


                          Oh, my…. wipes laughter tears away… that’s priceless… πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†




                          That one single word said it all.


                          Har, har!

                          I still think you should go ahead with the game plan. Not that he apparently cares, but seeing that someone else does, really can creep into the psychi.

                          And yes, flowers are always nice!


                            Hoofer wrote:

                            That one single word said it all.


                            Har, har!

                            I still think you should go ahead with the game plan. Not that he apparently cares, but seeing that someone else does, really can creep into the psychi.

                            And yes, flowers are always nice!
                            You don’t know my boyfriend! I got a warning when our new neighbour moved in. He said to me that if he ever saw me stepping on the neighbour’s front steps I could take appart the ramp access for my son to access the house and attach it to the neighbour’s house. You should have seen my expression! I had yet to see this new neighbour and thought to myself this guy must be a real stud. He’s good looking but I was dissapointed. πŸ˜†
                            It was the first time he had shown any jelousy. πŸ˜†
                            But then it got worse. 😯


                            That is hilarious! I started reading the Pm’s and I kept thinking to myself…why did BDW get this PM? much for a surprise! πŸ˜€

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