
search for a better life/ update page 18

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  • #707774

      There you go! Start building your business! Great idea guys!


        I agree! I think that’s a brilliant idea! Just think, once it takes off & gets running you’ll have the time you want to spend with Michel & have time to concentrate on your artwork 😀

        twindragonsmum 😀



          twindragonsmum 😀



          I’m so sorry BDW. I wish I could offer something to help… If you talked with your boyfriend, would he help? If you let him know it was important to you?

          Sends hugs & apfel streudel.

          (Nice cleaning crew twin! :))


            *hugs* wish I lived close enough to help. 🙁


              I hope you find a solution…*hugs*


              BDW, you know we’re here for you. (sends lots of cheese)


                I got a big basquet of cheese at my door and in the note it said: hope this chears you up. from all the forum members.
                Now I’ve eated more than my share of cheese.
                At the bottom there was an appel streudel, never had that before, it was good! 😀
                Just kidding…no basquet 😆

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Um, BDW, not to pry or anything, but from this and other posts it sounds like your bf isn’t very supportive of you at all. Don’t you think you deserve someone better?

                After living with him, I don’t want to ever live with anybody. I’ll be much happier by myself. No one to answer to and no more abuse of any kind from a men.
                Early tuesday morning around 3AM, I could hear the pantoon hitting the tire that is against the cement wall in the front, ‘BOOM BOOM BOOM’ with every wave and thought to myself “I should tell him to tie it differently in the future so I don’t hear it when it windy”. I got up at 5:30, looked out since it was clear outside and notice that the pantoon only had one rope left that was holding it. So I immediatly told him so he would not lose it. His reaction was to yell at me for not telling him sooner. F… I try to do him a service and he yells at me! Next time I won’t say anything at all! How was I to know that the ropes broke? We don’t even have an outside light to see. Then I told him that and he said he was fed up of hearing me defend myself and it was just like he is attacking me everytime. Well if you gouys would hear him you would undestand that by what he says and the way he says it, it’s only normal that I would feel attack and blamed all the time.
                God I need to see a therapist of some kind! 🙄

                Snapdragon wrote:

                Men 🙄

                😆 Couldn’t have said it better! Well some men anyway…

                I can’t bring my son with me since he is in a wheelchair.
                I don’t have a vehicle for that, also all off the places I do, have stairs to go in the house.

                Romeodanny wrote:

                I’m so sorry to hear that BDW…. I’m surprised that there’s nothing that the government can do. I hope you can find someone that can help.

                What if you hire someone to do the cleaning for you commission wise. They do the cleaning and get whatever % cut that is agreeable for you both. A 40/60 split? That’s how it works in Dog Grooming at least….
                The only time the gouverment is going to help me is once I’m out of here, until then they won’t since my boyfriend makes to much money.
                Which I never see exept for groceries twice a month.
                🙁 I don’t know anyone, and all my friends have jobs. Also this is based on trust, I’m not sure the clients would agree.
                I did hired once a friend (at least I thought we were) and she ended up stealing from my clients, I had to pay for this. 👿
                I’m not comfortable with hirering a stranger.

                twindragonsmum wrote:

                twindragonsmum 😀
                😀 Good idea! Maybe I can send those in my place! They wouldn’t steal anything….well maybe the steak that was left on the counter to defrost… 😆

                boskydragon wrote:

                If you talked with your boyfriend, would he help? If you let him know it was important to you?

                🙁 His idea of watching my son is to leave him alone in the house while he is outside working in the garage or visiting with one of the neibours.
                If my son has a seizure…how will my boyfriend know if he does? He’s not there to see it.
                Before you ask, my boyfriend smokes and my son can’t be arround any smoke.

                😀 Thanks dragonmedley and starbreeze for the cheese and boskydragon for the appel streudel!
                Now off to exesise the excess! 😆



                  Hang in there! I hope a solution presents itself.


                    I really wish we could help. It sucks sometimes being internet buds.


                      I wish I could help you. It sounds like you need a caregiver, lots of work, a new place to live, and a new boyfriend (or at least just be rid of the old one). He sounds like the jerk that was my first husband. That belittling beratement is called “abuse,” you know. Don’t put up with it. Do you have somewhere else that you and Michael could live?


                        Am I one of the only men that remebers birthday’s of friends and family. That is of course once we get to know eachother


                          I know it doesn’t help you BDW, but I agree with Emerald… I wish you two could move out, and get some government aid while you get your feet under you and find a job solution and caregiver. It’s people like you that really need help like this (vs. some of the slackers I know that get free gvt. money for nothing, but that’s another rant).

                          Though it may not seem like it, there are better men out there that will work with you as an equal, supportive partner. I wish all the best…

                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                          My art: featherdust.com


                            I’m working 2 jobs just to make the bills and NOT a lot of extra so I would have to stay away from that rant!!
                            I hope to be able to get a bit of free money soon there are a few SK’s I’d LOVE to start making payments on


                            There are better men out there. I’m sorry, your boyfriend sounds too self-absorbed to keep courting you and really help out. I really do wish I could help… I’m sure you’ve checked more possibilities than I could think of.

                            Never had apfel streudel? 😯 Bummer. It really doesn’t save, or I’d send the non-virtual kind. Just imagine appley goodness with a vanilla sauce that’s like creme brulee 🙂 YUM.

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