
search for a better life/ update page 18

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    That sucks about your caregiver, I hope everything works out….

    *sends lots of chocolate*


      Can I say I love you guys?
      You are always there….




          Stephanie wrote:


          Thanks I just wish I could all have you all here right now live! 🙁
          I can’t seams to stop crying..blinking away the tears everytime to be able to type…I know it sounds pitifull! But I’m writing my emotions right now.
          I haven’t been this way in a long long time


            Does Canada have anything at all for extra care? I’m racking my brain trying to figure something out for you. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. God always opens a door when one is close 😉


              Phoenix wrote:

              Does Canada have anything at all for extra care? I’m racking my brain trying to figure something out for you. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. God always opens a door when one is close 😉

              No they don’t. I’m pretty much on my own for that. I know god made me have this child for a reason… and lord knowns I love my child or I would have placed him at birth… but it’s really hard at times to take care of him alone… no brakes from anywhere


              I wish I was there to help you! *Sending chocolate e-birthday cake your way!*


                eaglefeather831 wrote:

                I wish I was there to help you! *Sending chocolate e-birthday cake your way!*

                Never mind the chocolats but I love cheese and would not refuse a custard 😀
                PS: I don’t like sweets eversince I got my wisdom teeth pulled out 😆
                😯 sorry for being difficult…


                I’m so sorry you had such a sucky day. *Huge Hugs!!* 😥


                Um, BDW, not to pry or anything, but from this and other posts it sounds like your bf isn’t very supportive of you at all. Don’t you think you deserve someone better?


                  Men 🙄


                  I’m so sorry about this, BDW! Bringing your son with you was the first thing that popped in my mind…

                  My mother-in-law used to babysit at home for an agency and took care of a handicapped child at the time, and his family had a lot of gov. support. She’s in Ontario, though, just on the other side of Québec. I’m surprised that the government doesn’t have any programs in place for a situation such as yours 😕

                  I don’t have anything constructive to offer! Just big, huge hugs, and some cheese…

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  I’m so sorry to hear that BDW…. I’m surprised that there’s nothing that the government can do. I hope you can find someone that can help.

                  What if you hire someone to do the cleaning for you commission wise. They do the cleaning and get whatever % cut that is agreeable for you both. A 40/60 split? That’s how it works in Dog Grooming at least….

                  My parents used to clean a bank at night. We kids used to be dragged along. I loved that place. The trash compactor was sooo cool. (Now I won’t go near a trash compactor….. 😆 , but, when you are 5 they are just the coolest things)


                    Blackdesertwind wrote:

                    I know Jen… takes “chill pill” with glass of water… 🙄

                    No, this is a very real and stressful problem. I wouldn’t tell you to take a chill pill 🙁 I too wish your boyfriend was more supportive. I used to have one that was not supportive, and things were miserable. I hope something works out..

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    I just had the same idea Romeodanny did! And here I thought I was so smart…

                    Even if your income is very low for the summer, at least you’ll have retained your customers. Are there any students in your area that you could hire?

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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