
search for a better life/ update page 18

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      You naughty girl! 😈


        That’s why you love me so 😈 😈 😈

        twindragonsmum πŸ˜€





          Don’t take this wrong, but would it be possible to temporarily move your son into an assisted care home for a short period so you can get your situation more under control?

          A month or so would allow you to get some money saved up and a place that would accomodate him located along with any mods needed for his return home. It would also give you some time to find someone who could help you care for him during the day so you can keep working.

          It’s something to consider, though I know it’s the last thing you want to do, it may be the best way to manage this situation and get it changed for the better.

          I’d also consider moving closer to your Mom, if/when you do move, you need the family support nearby.

          Another thing I just thought of, is there any kind of summer camp for people like your son? I’ve heard of them, but I don’t know if you have any available where you are, but sending him to camp would give you that much needed time too, and he’d have a blast.

          I don’t know, just racking my brains here trying to come up with some kind of workable solution.



          Is there anyway your mom can sell her house and find one for the three of you? it looks like the Quebec government will help with any modifications needed to fit a new house to be handicap accessible:


          If not, the Canadian Government has a program as well:



            Kyrin wrote:

            Don’t take this wrong, but would it be possible to temporarily move your son into an assisted care home for a short period so you can get your situation more under control?

            A month or so would allow you to get some money saved up and a place that would accomodate him located along with any mods needed for his return home. It would also give you some time to find someone who could help you care for him during the day so you can keep working.

            It’s something to consider, though I know it’s the last thing you want to do, it may be the best way to manage this situation and get it changed for the better.

            I’d also consider moving closer to your Mom, if/when you do move, you need the family support nearby.

            Another thing I just thought of, is there any kind of summer camp for people like your son? I’ve heard of them, but I don’t know if you have any available where you are, but sending him to camp would give you that much needed time too, and he’d have a blast.

            I don’t know, just racking my brains here trying to come up with some kind of workable solution.


            Placing him even temporary would not solve my problem for moving.

            My mom will babysit Michel on the one day she is not working, mondays, so that at least should bring me about $30 to $70 a week not counting all the expenses of gaz and all since I work far from home.
            I won’t be buying to much in the months to come unless I put it on my credit card and pay it off in september.
            I don’t like doing that since I always pay it off at the end of each month.
            πŸ˜† I’ll have to practice restraint toward Windstones.

            I’m already close to mom she’s at about one hour walking distance (if you walk fast like I do πŸ˜† )
            Unfortunatly if I’m to ever find something I’ll have to move in the city, which will cost more but I’m more likely to find a place there.

            I don’t know if any of you remember I mentioned in another thread barried somewhere in this forum,
            that I wanted to sell some stuff of my son’s and some of mine to collect funds to send him to a camp here just for kids like him?
            Anyway I asked Jen if I could do this on the forum and she said she agreed since I will also sell some Windstones but it will have to be in the flea market section so it does not get buried here in this section.
            I received the bill for the camp and it cost $1005 for 6 days. Yes I know it’s expensive but they all are.

            I have to take pictures of every thing and make descriptions also and that takes time, that I now have.
            So I’ll get to it in the next couple of days.
            I hope I can count on you guys for support. πŸ˜€

            Thanks Kyrin for racking your brains!
            Made me smile! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†


              Ooh I hope you manage to raise the money. That would rock.


                Jasmine wrote:

                Is there anyway your mom can sell her house and find one for the three of you? it looks like the Quebec government will help with any modifications needed to fit a new house to be handicap accessible:


                If not, the Canadian Government has a program as well:

                Thank you Jasmine but I already know about that.
                Quebec did adapt this place already and after it is done you have to stay 5 yaers in that place before they can adapt again.
                Problem is that they have criterions that I have to follow.
                The new place can not have more then 3 steps to go in.
                The area in my son’s bed room needs to have a 5 feet by 5 tobe able to maneuver the wheelchair same for the bathroom. We all know that batroom in older houses and buildings don’t have that.
                The doorways need to be at least 34 inches wide.
                And the list goes on and on…
                Their is also my income that does not help, when I’m sick or my son is there is no income comming in.

                πŸ™ I’m sorry you had to look for those places for me.
                But thank you for caring. πŸ˜€

                Oh almost forgot…I could never ask my mom to sell her house.
                She just got it built 2 years ago and had that lot back when I was 12 years old.
                πŸ˜€ It is her dream come true.
                I could never ….


                Don’t be sorry. You’re like family, I want to help anyway I can. πŸ˜‰


                I think I remember you posting about raising money for camp once. I hope you can raise enough.


                  Good Luck


                    I think Kyrin’s idea about temporarily putting your son in a group home is a good one. It will let you move out, work full time, and raise enough money to get a house of your own that can be fixed up to accommodate him.

                    And it will give you time to line up day care for him.

                    I’m sure your son would like you to be away from your bf as much as you want to be.


                      emerald212 wrote:

                      I think Kyrin’s idea about temporarily putting your son in a group home is a good one. It will let you move out, work full time, and raise enough money to get a house of your own that can be fixed up to accommodate him.

                      And it will give you time to line up day care for him.

                      I’m sure your son would like you to be away from your bf as much as you want to be.
                      I can’t purchase a house since I don’t make that much of a good income I can barely afford rent, so a house is out of the question. πŸ™


                        πŸ˜€ Got to go to work today since my bf took a few days off.
                        Here I was trying to hurry so I could be back on time for posting the Windstone’s new auctions before people would start posting images of them so the thread does not get too long, and this happens. πŸ™„ So much for hurrying πŸ˜†

                        πŸ™ On my way there I turn a corner and knew something was wrong. The car did something weird.
                        I drove a bit and then stopped in front of the store I used to work in.
                        Got out of my car, then herd it.
                        Great something ruptured my tire!
                        Fuck I was going to work to get ahead , instaid the opposit happens.
                        Well my boss, that happens to own the garage I’m working at, came over with a spare tire and helped me. I was nt that far from the garage but far enough not to drive just on the rim.
                        I drove the car at work and when I was done my job they had to change the whole tire. Turns out it wasn’t a simple flat tire, it ruptured because of weather wear. The side of all my tires are splitting.
                        So now I have to change them all.
                        I went home and found two of my tires that my bf had misplaced.
                        When it was time to change from the witer to summer in the spring, my bf could not find my tires, so he had given me others that were not the right size. I had no choice at the time but to put those on. He can’t for some reason find the others. πŸ˜•
                        So now I definitly have to buy four. πŸ™„

                        Today my boss kept my pay and next time I work for him he will keep that one too for the work that was done on my car.

                        And next time I buy tires, I’ll make sure to right my name on my tires so bf won’t give them to someone else πŸ˜› πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰


                          agh. that does not sound fun. at least it didn’t happen on the highway!

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