
search for a better life/ update page 18

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    O-o Cats! The boogers will eat anything won’t they? πŸ˜› I hope he got rid of all of them, silly boy!


    Oh, they are so beautiful!

    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I hope you enjoyed your surprise.


        Hope you enjoy the flowers, your son’s okay, and your bf doesn’t wig out too badly. You need a break in your life. Hope your kitty is okay too.


        oye! I read the title of the thread and though “now it’s the cat’s turn” to mean your boyfriend did something to your cat! phew…

        poor kitty, hopefully he got them all out of his system.

        The flowers are beautiful.

        Tell your boyfriend you sent them to yourself for your birthday since he forgot about it πŸ‘Ώ


          It’s VERY easy to forget
          Don’t blame yourself


            😯 would you beleive the bf has not said anything about the flowers?
            No comment, no look, no questions 😯
            They are right there on the kitchen table. It’s place right where you see it when you come in the house. He went arround the table several times and noting…now he is in bed. πŸ˜•
            Sorry Ski but your plan did not work.


              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              Hey, your bf cant be jealous… we’re a bunch of girls!! πŸ˜† (for the most part, anyway.)

              My boyfriend will never believe that it came from you. He will either believe it came from some guy or I sent them to myself. πŸ™„
              We have not been having much of a relationship (if you know what I mean) and he has told me that he thinks I’m either getting it somewhere else or I just am not interrested in him anymore. πŸ™„
              Do I have to make him a drawing for him to get it?
              He’s gone all the time and I’m not a machine… πŸ˜†

              Just tell him ‘Bernie’ sent ’em 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈

              twindragonsmum 😈



              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              😯 would you beleive the bf has not said anything about the flowers?
              No comment, no look, no questions 😯
              They are right there on the kitchen table. It’s place right where you see it when you come in the house. He went arround the table several times and noting…now he is in bed. πŸ˜•
              Sorry Ski but your plan did not work.

              All I have to say is that your BF is a big pile of poo…and really I wish you could keep the place you are in and kick his a$$ out!

              Worthless jerk, you really deserve better.



                Kyrin wrote:

                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                😯 would you beleive the bf has not said anything about the flowers?
                No comment, no look, no questions 😯
                They are right there on the kitchen table. It’s place right where you see it when you come in the house. He went arround the table several times and noting…now he is in bed. πŸ˜•
                Sorry Ski but your plan did not work.

                All I have to say is that your BF is a big pile of poo…and really I wish you could keep the place you are in and kick his a$$ out!

                Worthless jerk, you really deserve better.


                Hear, hear! Well said, Kyrin!




                Hmmm . . . BDW, there’s no way he could have missed seeing the flowers. Since he’s been a total jerk already by accusing you of being unfaithful to him, he clearly has some major insecurities (and I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him because he’s not dealing with them responsibly). Either he’s avoiding the subject of the flowers because he’s nervous that they do signify a secret admirer, or he’s trying the “silent treatment” in hopes that you’ll “break” and “confess” to him. (Please know that my tongue is so firmly in cheek on that last that my eyes are watering. You’ve done nothing wrong by any measure. This clown wants to believe that he is pure as the driven snow and the best partner in the world and that it couldn’t possibly be him that’s wrong in this relationship. He’s grossly mistaken. πŸ‘Ώ )

                What I’ve heard of your situation makes me uneasy, and you have my deepest sympathies. Please be careful.


                  Well, really my plan was to cheer you up and hopefully it did that. The rest would just be a bonus. AS for your bf, people usually make accusations when they are feeling guilty. πŸ˜• Sorry about the ribbons. Didnt know your cat would ingest them. 😯


                    Thank you Twindragonsmum and Barrdwing you are right about him.
                    Barrdwing what makes you uneasy?
                    He would never lay a hand on me since he knows I would not hesitate to put charges on him.
                    He was warned at the begining of our relationship.
                    So rest assured for that would never happen.

                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Well, really my plan was to cheer you up and hopefully it did that. The rest would just be a bonus. AS for your bf, people usually make accusations when they are feeling guilty. πŸ˜• Sorry about the ribbons. Didnt know your cat would ingest them. 😯

                    πŸ˜€ Awww…Ski, loving caring Ski.
                    The fact that you guys though of me the first time and sent me cheese made me happy!
                    πŸ˜€ Even if I could not eat it. And I do like the flowers too they smel soooo good!
                    Like I had said in the PM to you, you could have used the money for someone else that was in need. I still would have been happy.
                    It really the thought that counts for me.
                    I’m sad that I’m stuck right now in this relationship until I find a place to rent for my son and I, and that he is so selfish, can’t think of us once in a while. He’s the same at chrismass and he can’t say he forgot that!
                    For the part of him feeling guilty, I know he has ch…ed for a full year since noting happened during that year. He knows I’m not stupid and I also confronted him. He denied but you should have heard him…it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more then me 😈
                    Beside that I’m always home, I never go out, barely see any of my friends sine I have to stay home with my son. He on the other hand is gone every night and I’m not exadurating…I wish I was!
                    He usualy goes straight to his friend’s house from work.
                    We don’t eat one meal together.
                    Does that explain the way I’m living. He is just lucky I don’t say anything about it. He does enough complaining and criticizing for the both of us.

                    He is the way he is and I have to accept it. But sometimes it’s hard specialy when I read some stories in the forum of people having such a great loving partner. It sometimes bring tears to my eyes and I have to wonder what I did to deserve the life I’m living.
                    Oh well that’s life. πŸ™‚
                    I’ll stop feeling sorry for myself now. πŸ˜†

                    Thank you all

                    BTW Ski did they refund you?


                    You didn’t do a thing to deserve him, BDW. He’s just one of those bad things that sometimes happen to good people. Seriously, don’t think for a minute that he’s how things have to be, or that he’s worth staying with. He’s obviously causing you a lot of pain and he shows no signs of changing that pattern.

                    I am very glad that you laid down the law with him at the start of your relationship, and I’m glad that you wouldn’t hesitate to press charges. I guess I’m just a nervous critter. I resent the way he’s treating you and I feel that he’s both immature and has a hurtful nature that hasn’t been brought into check. People like that aren’t safe to be around. So, I fret some, thinking of you being stuck anywhere near that jerk. πŸ™


                      Barrdwing wrote:

                      You didn’t do a thing to deserve him, BDW. He’s just one of those bad things that sometimes happen to good people. Seriously, don’t think for a minute that he’s how things have to be, or that he’s worth staying with. He’s obviously causing you a lot of pain and he shows no signs of changing that pattern.

                      I am very glad that you laid down the law with him at the start of your relationship, and I’m glad that you wouldn’t hesitate to press charges. I guess I’m just a nervous critter. I resent the way he’s treating you and I feel that he’s both immature and has a hurtful nature that hasn’t been brought into check. People like that aren’t safe to be around. So, I fret some, thinking of you being stuck anywhere near that jerk. πŸ™

                      Ditto. This is nothing that you did. At least you recognize it for what it is – a bad relationship.

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