
Scratching Dragon color preferences POLL

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      I only have two scratchers (peacock and Jade) and have ever seen maybe one other color in person, so I didn’t vote…

      but for the lap dragon, the Emerald Peacock one I got is sooooo gorgeous! She’s got lots of deep, rich colors on her, and she’s a lot prettier than the coloring on my EmPea fledgie. I got her from Algy 🙂

      Old warrior-Emerald or Gold 🙂



        Nope, they were never made in old green, but I’d be all over them if they were!
        Mine is emerald, and is of course handsome, but some of the colors with more variation in a definate trim pattern (BG, red fire) seem to show up especially well on this pose.

        I’d be all over an old green lap also, which is just as impossible! Mine is emerald. I don’t think any one color has ‘jumped’ at me as much with this pose, so I guess it would be whichever color appeals most in general. (that forest one of Olympia’s was HOT, though!)

        Edit for the OW sorry- I’m waiting with bated breath for the old green OW(s) Ms. Melody is supposed to make- please oh please not until after tax time! I’ll do most anything for one of those! In the meanwhile, mine is the empea prototype, and handsome that way. Peacock seems to be good to him also, along with red fire and black gold.


          mmloda wrote:

          Serenity wrote:

          From looking here… http://www.astralcastle.com/windstone/wsframe.htm
          There was no old green scratcher dragon.
          I like the Peacock! 😀
          I’d LOVE to see it in Silver though!!!

          I know I checked that site as well…I REALLY wnat an OLD GREEN one….

          My most favorite dragon sculpts are…..

          😆 😆 😆 😆

          The scratcher sculpt didn’t exsist when the old green color was out. If one does it would have to be a limited production piece like the old green fledglings.


          I’d love to see one of these in silver. I think that would probably be my favorite, followed by the peacock.


          I voted for the black gold although if silver comes out that would be awesome!


          I love my emerald scratcher so I voted emerald, but I’ve never seen any of the other colors in person so I suppose my opinion doesn’t count. XD;


            I think VF would look great on a scratcher 😉


            I think that the Black Gold is by far the best looking color for both the Lap and the Scratching dragon. Something about the gold horns with the black and then the contrasting accent colors makes that combination very striking.

            Peacock is probably my second favorite and then Ruby.


              IF I had to get one RIGHT NOW I would get a black gold one. BUT I is holding out to see if they come out in Silver! 😀


              I have a ruby scratcher so my vote is for ruby. I do like black and gold too but I think I’ll stick with ruby.

              My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


              I forgot to add the elusive Jade to the list…DRAT! Hopefully if you like the Jade, you voted Emerald.

              Somehow this thread is making things harder for me instead of helping! Ahhhhhhhhh!


                If you had Jade up there, I would switch my vote to Jade.


                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  I forgot to add the elusive Jade to the list…DRAT! Hopefully if you like the Jade, you voted Emerald.

                  Somehow this thread is making things harder for me instead of helping! Ahhhhhhhhh!

                  I just hate it when that happens! Here is an idea! Take all the colors and write them down on small pieces of paper… fold them up and place in hat… shack it up and then pull one out, which ever one you pull out you go after! LOL 😛 Hey, its just an idea! 😀


                  ^^^ and I find myself going, “OK, 2 out of 3.” I’ll pick an odd number and choose say, 7 times. The color that comes up the most, perhaps I’ll choose. Gotta say that Im leaning towards the jade or ruby. Neither readily available. BG is my safety but I might do that in Lap. Getting a Pea OW though 😀


                  Scratcher – Black Gold
                  OW – Red Fire or Emerald Peacock

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