Scratching dog???

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    i know i will never win one of those, but i cannot wait to see how they look!


      I can’t afford anything that is put up on ebay… lol.

      It would be neat if a new mold could be made off of one of them and they could be brought back into production 😮


        Cats, dogs and owls please! But like purplecat said, I can wait 😀


        Any pigs? For some reason, I just love that pig. 😀


          Yeah, I would like a piggy and a razorback, too! It’s so cool that they found some old stock. 😀


            kirin wrote:

            I actually saw that dog on ebay about 4 years ago and did not bid on it, infact no one did, it didnt even sell from what I can remember because everyone I guess thought it was a scam. This was back in the day though where no one even really knew that melody had produced animal sculptures, and they were not on astral castle at the time either, from the best of my knoweldge and memory. Every time I think about that dog on ebay I want to kick my self in the ass, but those are the breaks I guess. I was lucky enough to get the armadillo off of ebay about a year ago but I did have to pay a pretty penny for it, but its rare and a collectors piece so its worth it. I keep looking on ebay all the time for more of her animal pieces but no luck. They are Extremely rare!!

            I have some old dog castings to paint. Those original ones are really rare though! I will put hand cut grey felt pads and hangtags on these newly painted ones, so that the really rare originals will still be different.


              Ooh, I’ll keep an eye out for them! 😀


              Melody, do you guys even still have the molds for these animals? I don’t know what brings up the random qustion… but I’m curious. They’ve been retired for so long, that seems like a long time for a mold to last and not fall apart or get misplaced or something.


              *Frantically flops around on the floor…tries to breath* 😯
              AMADILLOS!?!?! *Grabby fingers* That is the one animal I would really like to have…That and the kitty with the feather…
              *begs* 😯 😳


              Hey I’m wondering, how big were the old wolves? From the old picture with all of them, comparing it to the mother dragon he looks huge. O__O

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