Scratching dog???

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      A while ago here was somehing about you finding a bunch of old casts that you were going to paint up. Am I hallucinating or is this true?



        It’s true. Melody mentioned it on the radio broadcast and mentioned she might touch up or change the paint jobs on some of the old sclpts and sell them on E-Bay.


          Time is getting short- we may not see them till after they move, it all depends on if they have time to list them before they ship them up to OR.

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            they do have a massive “to do” list right now…..I cant imagine the sheer work of moving on that large a scale. 😯


              I asked Melody about that awhile back and she said “someday” I have been watchng ebay for that dog since I saw it in Astral Castle


                foxfeather wrote:

                A while ago here was somehing about you finding a bunch of old casts that you were going to paint up. Am I hallucinating or is this true?

                We did find some original old casings of the first animals we made! I plan to paint some, if I have time. We found: cats (three kinds), dogs, piglets, razorbacks, a few owls, a few frogs, bobcats, and lots of armadillos and tortoises. No tigers, lions, lambs, or wolves unfortunately.


                  I actually saw that dog on ebay about 4 years ago and did not bid on it, infact no one did, it didnt even sell from what I can remember because everyone I guess thought it was a scam. This was back in the day though where no one even really knew that melody had produced animal sculptures, and they were not on astral castle at the time either, from the best of my knoweldge and memory. Every time I think about that dog on ebay I want to kick my self in the ass, but those are the breaks I guess. I was lucky enough to get the armadillo off of ebay about a year ago but I did have to pay a pretty penny for it, but its rare and a collectors piece so its worth it. I keep looking on ebay all the time for more of her animal pieces but no luck. They are Extremely rare!!


                    Ooooh cats and tortoises for me, thanks!!! 🙂 But I can wait as long as need be. 🙂


                      purplecat wrote:

                      Ooooh cats and tortoises for me, thanks!!! 🙂 But I can wait as long as need be. 🙂

                      I’d go for a tortise for a friend. I got the hatching galapagos tortise for her and I think she would like the other one as well. She’s a turtle lover, though she does have 1 or 2 collectible frogs.


                        I’d love to see the cats. 🙂


                        Aww, no wolves, damn. Was hoping there was one, not that I’d be able to afford it on ebay anyways. XD;


                        Melody wrote:

                        and lots of armadillos and tortoises. quote]

                        happy dance!


                        the Armadillos are just a ball of cute! I’d want one of those 😀


                        Melody wrote:

                        foxfeather wrote:

                        A while ago here was somehing about you finding a bunch of old casts that you were going to paint up. Am I hallucinating or is this true?

                        We did find some original old casings of the first animals we made! I plan to paint some, if I have time. We found: cats (three kinds), dogs, piglets, razorbacks, a few owls, a few frogs, bobcats, and lots of armadillos and tortoises. No tigers, lions, lambs, or wolves unfortunately.

                        I will be watching for these! Esp all the felines !! 😀 8)
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