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  • #691245

      Thank you all so much! I was worried that when I got back you guys would think I had abandoned you! NEVER!!!!! I love this place. I still need to cruse the site to see what else has been going on. lol and to look at that little traveling dragon. lol

      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!


      Good luck with your chemo treatment! My friend’s mother went through that some years ago; it was harsh, but she’s through it and better than ever! Just be strong and keep a positive attitude; that’s what got her through it.

      And Darjeb, sorry to hear about your mammogram! I hope your biopsy comes out okay!


        Good Luck to everyone!!! And what I’m up to is wonder what else is about to hit the fan. 👿 Way too much been happening, and I’m just hopping Karma’s gonna make up for it real soon!!!

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