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  • #691231

      Hey all, I know it has been a while since I was last seen on here. I just wanted you all to know that I am doing better. I had my first kimo treatment and it was HORRIBLE!!! But hey if that is what it will take to make me better then so be it! So before I had any of this crap done I had them harvest some eggs…turns out that some of them are usable…so the really cool thing is that if I ever want to have kids I could possibly do it! So there you have it. I have treatments every month and I am dealing with the pain well. As far as my life goes…my damn kitchen countertops are in….took them long enough(only 2 months) lol My children are doing great as I went to see them and the specialist in the same fell swoop. I told my ex husband and he said that when the kids are older we can tell them all about it. OK I think that is all for now. I just wanted all of you to know that no I am not DEAD…I am very much ALIVE and kicking! lol

      SO HOW IS EVERYONE!!!!!???????????

      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!


        Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!


        Thanks for the update! We sure mised the ALSK avatar around here. 😆
        Glad you’re doing better. How are we? Well, to speak for myself, still spending way too much on all the pretty new Windstones.


          Glad you and the family are doing ok. Nothing much changed over here. Still growing daily. 😆


          Hey lady, when you get a chance I need your address so the little dragon can go to you.



          Thank you for the update. I hope the treatments get easier for you.

          Nothing really new here.


            Hang in there, girl! Chemo is soooo hard on the body, especially at first. Keep up the good spirits.

            Sending you big hugs!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Hang in there! One of my colleagues just went through chemo – she just had her last session, so there is light at the end of the tunnel!


              I am glad you are back! I hope Chemo will not be too harsh on you. I am so glad you’re doing alright!


                Glad to hear from you. I hope your chemo treatments get easier on you and everythng comes out OK.

                As for me – same old stuff except I had a bad mamogram a couple of weeks ago and have to go for a biospy next Wed. The dr. doesn’t think it is much but he wants to error on the safe side but it is scary. I’m shaking


                  Take care of yourself!


                    Sending lots of good thoughts your way! *hugs*


                    Hang tough! I’ve watched love ones go through chemo and it does take a toll, but hopefully time will fly for you and it’ll be done!
                    Sending hugs & healing thoughts your way.


                      Glad to hear you are doing ok, I hope things go well and you get well quickly! Sending healing thoughts! 🙂


                        Hang in there. Hope you feel better soon.

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