Scary moment….

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      LadyFirebird wrote:

      Glad Jazz is okay–bet you checked that dryer out now before you run it! She probably won’t be doing that any time soon, but as time passes, they forget. So continue to check the dryer and any other appliance she can get in to before running it! Refrigerators and deep freezers especially–all that food! 😀

      My cat Max, long since passed, had a bad habit of getting into and sleeping in the microwave if my mom left it open after taking food out…..luckily he never got in when there was food in there and you’d find him the next time you wanted to make something….


        I’m SURE Jazz is PERFECTLY fine if it was only 2 thumps.
        Cats are so agile that their bodies can allow such things.
        I have a feeling she will even be back there in a few months!!!


          Oh my, I’m so glad you got to her quickly. How horrible of an experience for her 🙁 I’m glad she’s OK.


            😮 😮 😮 😮 😮

            twindragonsmum 😮


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