
Scarriest night of my life!

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      That’s a shame about those dogs and puppies, purplecat. Dogs are great pets, really. There is nothing like being greeted by a dog that is just soooo happy to see you: -) I just don’t have the time or room for one.

      Mirrako, your cat is wonderful at protecting his territory. We have to keep the storm window in the bottom half of our screen door. A couple of my cats would go right through a screen to chase off any visiting cats:-/


        I may eventually get one. My son is 5 and has asked a couple times but at the moment we’re looking for a larger home and I’d rather not add on any more new animals til after we find a place and move. I think great danes are cool but they have alot of problems with their hips from what I’ve read. 😕


          Great Danes are cool, but nothing like starting out small, eh? 😆 Growing up, one of my friends had one…the dog walked him. 😉


            Little dogs bark alot from what I’ve seen and I’m a person who likes quieter animals. Larger dog breeds appeal to me more than others and I read that great danes are really gentle dogs that will bark when provoked but not incessantly. 🙂


              I’m not a little yappy dog person, either. 😆 We had a Siberian Husky when I was growing up. They don’t bark, they “talk”. He would howl like a wolf, too. He was a wonderful dog.


                That sounds really neat too…do you have pics of him?


                  I’m SOO glad you are OK!!
                  I finally got to read this entoer post. YEAH for doggies!!
                  We had a Basenji growign up and she was a gREAT dog. It’s an ancient affrican breed dating back to the time of the Pharoh’s. They where the favorite hunting dogs because they do not bark. The Yodle. Well that is what they cal it and what it sounds like. They are small dogs about 16″ tall at the shoulder. If anyone here gets one make sure you are the first family. We got ours at the pound and she almost got returned. They are a 1 owner dog. When my partents moved from the last house they owned we tried to give her to a neighbor and my mom’s old boss put she left “presenet” all over the house I tried to get a friend to take her as I was moving into a place I could take her and after a couple days I got the call thta she was in the kennel since she left a “present” on their white bedspread.
                  You should neve scold a dog for protecting you


                    There is a picture of him here.

                    Watergazer painted a lovely memorial pyo wolf for me.


                      Aw! *pets doggie*


                        😉 He was a sweetheart.

                        littleironhorse, sorry we highjacked your thread! How are you feeling? I hope you aren’t too stressed out anymore.


                          I am glad you are safe! I would be a wreck, I hope you are feeling better now!


                            😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 I’m SO sorry you had to experience something like that! 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 When I was in high school, our home was broken into while we (the whole family) were sleeping. They (there were three of them) took out a screen in one of the windows, stepped over the mama cat & her kittens that were sleeping under the window, stepped around my brothers and cousins who were having a sleep over that night and came down the hallway. One of them opened every outside door possible to make for a quick escape, one started rummaging the china hutch and the other made it into my parents bedroom on hands and knees. Mum is a very light sleeper and thought it was one of the younger kids needing something, but when she realized they weren’t who they should be (little kid) she chased all three of them out of the house screaming at the top of her lungs “YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” 20 some odd years later, none of my family (parents or siblings) ever leaves a door or window unlocked. My husband tells me I’m paranoid, but he’s never experienced anything like that and, I’m sorry, but I’d rather be safe than sorry!

                            LIH I’m glad you are safe and terribly sorry that you had to have your feeling of security messed up like that 👿 Not fair at all! Glad you have your dog and that she is such a great alarm as well as companion! Spending a couple nights at your dads’ is a good idea. Hopefully you’ll be able to settle back in shortly.

                            *HUGS, HUGS, HUGS*




                              One night in my last apt I was sleeping and was to tired I had forgotten to lock my door and someone just walked in at like 3AM. I had just moved there and when I turned on the light he discoverd he was in the wrong apt apologized and left but it scared the CRAP out of me, ok not literally but you get the idea. You NEVER know what could happen


                              EEK! LIH, glad you’re okay! Thank goodness for our doggies! GOOD DOG! Lot’s of biscuits! 🙂 They really do often know better than we.

                              (Of course, my one dog growls at anyone with white hair, regardless of how often she’s seen them, but she was a starving, abused rescued pup, and I think she still holds a grudge against someone.)


                                boskydragon wrote:

                                EEK! LIH, glad you’re okay! Thank goodness for our doggies! GOOD DOG! Lot’s of biscuits! 🙂 They really do often know better than we.

                                (Of course, my one dog growls at anyone with white hair, regardless of how often she’s seen them, but she was a starving, abused rescued pup, and I think she still holds a grudge against someone.)

                                My dog is a resuce too. He growls at anyone, who isn’t his people, reaches out to touch him. He’ll even snap at you if you don’t back off. It’s particularly bad with men.

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