scared the crap outta some kid today

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    That reminds me of when my friend Aaron was working for Foods-4-Less, which was non unionized. The union folks started pressuring the workers, picketing, etc. Then one idiot followed Aaron home, they weren’t allowed to have anyone’s address or phone number, so following was the only way the guy could have found him. Aaron was furious, told the guy off and told him if he ever darkened his doorstep again, he’d dump a 5 gallon bucket of water over him.

    Then he put a 5 gallon bucket of water by his door just in case. Sure enough the idiot, knowing he had a trapped audience, showed up again. Aaron was true to his word and doused the guy, he never came back and warned his teammates to also leave Aaron alone.

    Aaron was fun though, he worked at night and slept during the day, so when the Jehovah’s came calling he was pretty cranky, and usually slept nude. So when he saw who it was at his door, he yanked it open, still nude, and yelled, “What do you want?!” They hustled out of there but quick and never came back! LOL!

    The devil worshipping schtick didn’t work for my friend Mack too well. They left, but only to come back with a horde of fellow christians to camp out on his lawn to “save” him. Oy vey! He didn’t try that tact again.



    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Oh gosh, these stories are so funny!! My throat is sore from laughing!!! I haven’t laughed this hard since watching “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World”! Thanks everyone!!!

    I think that movie is the favorite of me and my husband. If anyone here hasn’t seen ” It’s a Mad Mad Mad World” you need to go and rent it!!!!


    I concur!!! It is so much better than “Rat Race”!


    My neighbor down the street told me a funny story about her sister-in-law, who lives up in Washington in a rural community. They have a small farm where they keep various animals, including peacocks. Not too long ago, they repainted the barn, and the wife thought it would be nice to paint a Pennsylvania Dutch Hex sign on the side of the barn.

    One week later, the sheriff showed up on their doorstep. He’s a friend of theirs, so they sat down to chat. After a few minutes, the sheriff said, “Actually, I have to tell you that, officially, I’m here to investigate your place.”

    The couple were startled. “Why?”

    The sheriff grinned. “Well, between those peacocks of yours yelling and that big symbol painted on your barn . . . the people across the road are convinced you’re running a cult!”


      ddvm wrote:

      Gotta love the Girl Scouts with their thin mints!

      We had a horrible case here in NJ several years ago where a boy selling wrapping paper cut through some woods (his parents had told him to stay on their block). He went to a house where a disturbed 16 year old had been left alone. The 16 year old raped and then strangled the younger boy with a telephone cord. Turned out the parents of the older boy tried to have him committed the week before but a judge said there wasn’t enough evidence he was a danger. 😥 So the parents needed a break and went to AC. It was a tragedy on so many levels – I think it made the national news. It really cut down on groups sending kids door to door.

      Among many other things one very upsetting part was that the parents of the murdered child got flack for accepting a plea bargain. If it had gone to trial the older kid probably would have gotten a much longer sentence. The father explained that 1) they really didn’t want to sit in a court and listen to all the gruesome details of how their son had died and 2) this way they knew the boy was getting jail time. You never know once things go to trial. I totally didn’t understand how people could heap scorn on the parents’ heads – they made the decision that they could live with.

      I know a couple of people in the NJ court system and they say the same thing. Once something goes to trial, you can’t predict what the jury will decide. The whole thing was a terrible tragedy.


      Barrdwing wrote:

      My neighbor down the street told me a funny story about her sister-in-law, who lives up in Washington in a rural community. They have a small farm where they keep various animals, including peacocks. Not too long ago, they repainted the barn, and the wife thought it would be nice to paint a Pennsylvania Dutch Hex sign on the side of the barn.

      One week later, the sheriff showed up on their doorstep. He’s a friend of theirs, so they sat down to chat. After a few minutes, the sheriff said, “Actually, I have to tell you that, officially, I’m here to investigate your place.”

      The couple were startled. “Why?”

      The sheriff grinned. “Well, between those peacocks of yours yelling and that big symbol painted on your barn . . . the people across the road are convinced you’re running a cult!”

      haha we used to have peacocks nasty dumb little birds but beautiful! They scream at all hours of the night and it sounds like halllpp helllppp and they get on the hood of your car and scratch it and poop all over it. If they even get their babies to the hatching point they will do something stupid like lead them across a drain grate (sp?) that *they* can walk over but the babies fall right through. And then they just keep walking they don’t even notice the babies are gone 🙁


        OMG my grandmothers neighbors had peacocks and we didn’t know. One day we are all sitting there and kept hearing someone yelling for help, then we realized it was the peacocks. They kept getting in her yard so I would go out and try to catch them (I was a kid and I have no idea what I was going to do with them once I caught them).


        In school a bunch of us from the same dorm took a camping trip to a local lake. The campground was huge and full of trees, with campsites tucked out of sight from each other. You couldn’t walk anywhere without going through deep dark trees. And although there were gigantic street lamps all over the place, they created lit areas with really black shadows around them.

        In the trees, where you rarely saw them, there were twenty or thirty peacocks wandering around. I’d never heard a peacock before, and the first time one of those buggers sounded off from the bushes behind our campfire, I just about bit through my fork. 😆 At first we figured it was some dude from down the camp trying to scare the newcomers. As the night drew on, the peacocks all started hollering at each other from various points around camp, and they kept moving to new places and sounding off again. It took us a while to figure out that all of the scary sounds we kept hearing were the peas. It was a long and sleepless night. 😛

        My own peacock was yelling last night; fair’s fair, our roosters probably set him off. At 4AM. The neighbors have said they don’t mind; I hope they meant it. 😕


        Wow, I never knew peacocks were nocturnal. And they look so pretty to have such a healthy (and annoying) set of lungs! They don’t sound like birds, they sound like Howler Monkeys! 😮


        Technically, they’re not nocturnal at all. But in the spring and summer, they sure like to yell at night. I know for a fact that they can’t see in the dark worth a dang. One night we had some kind of creature come up to the fence and scare the peas, then leave when they started screaming. I ran out to discover all three peas attacking each other because they were panicked and couldn’t see well enough to realize that the real threat was gone.

        They’re not very bright, that’s for sure. 😆 Beautiful, but not very bright.


        Kyrin wrote:

        Aaron was fun though, he worked at night and slept during the day, so when the Jehovah’s came calling he was pretty cranky, and usually slept nude. So when he saw who it was at his door, he yanked it open, still nude, and yelled, “What do you want?!” They hustled out of there but quick and never came back!

        My other half was mid-butchering a (bled, gutted) pig for a barbecue once. Some religion or other knocked on the door – he opened it, covered in blood, holding a Large Knife, and invited them to come join the sacrifice. They left in a hurry.


          Mahal wrote:

          My other half was mid-butchering a (bled, gutted) pig for a barbecue once. Some religion or other knocked on the door – he opened it, covered in blood, holding a Large Knife, and invited them to come join the sacrifice. They left in a hurry.

          That’s the best one I’ve heard yet. 😆 I bet the pig was yummy, too. 😉


          keschete wrote:

          What you did was hysterical and sometimes I tell the people who come to the door wanting to give me a different religion, that “No thanks, I am a Satanist!”

          i dont have to lie to say that cause i am a satanist it even says so on one of my shirts :P..of course people always confuse us with those crazy devil worshipers


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            When I was in college I was part of a White Wolf World of Darkness role playing group (think vampires and werewolves for those who don’t know what I’m talking about). Every so often on campus there would be people standing near the major crosswalks, handing out copies of the new testament. I told my Game Master (the one who tells the story we would play) about it and he would joke about dressing up with fangs and such and having some flash powder in his hand so when the person would try to hand him one it would go “boom”. He never did, but I think it would have been funny to see the look on their faces.

            Man, too bad I never thought of that (though luckily, I never ran into people handing out stuff on campus here). My White Wolf Gaming group would have had a blast! A bunch of us were also somehow involved with theater, the art department (think glassblowing and bronze casting… acetyline torches anyone?), and Ren faire folk (many of us had our own chainmail rigs and sharp pointy objects that we liked practicing with 😀 … Who’d have thought how relaxing knife throwing can be! :lol:). I’ll pass that idea to a friend of mine. She gets ‘visitors’ on a regular basis and was in my gaming group.

            My friend scares people when they come just by going to the door. He just makes sure he doesn’t have his leg on. He lost part of a leg to cancer when he was a kid and they re-attached his foot backwards where his knee would be, to act as a pivot and joint (so when he brings his leg up, he can kiss the bottom of his foot. He can also use it in pool quite easily too!). He’s thin and lanky (though muscular) too and reminds those who know him of Gollum (Lord of the Rings) in a way (he does a great impression of him too… scittering and all :lol:). He just leans against the door with his short leg acting like another arm against the door jam. Scares unwanted visitors away in a hurry!

            OMG, I haven’t watched “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World” in ages!

            See, we don’t generally get Jehovah’s at my house any more. Mormon’s seem to just walk past too (not sure if this is a coincidence). The family behind us are Jehovah’s and they don’t go around to their own neighbors (they go to another town or neighborhood), so I think we are kinda off limits now 8) We’ve been religious door to door salesmen free since they moved in, and the neighbors are pleasant to boot 😉


            Haha this totally reminded me of this thread

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