I just couldn’t do that in the States… I’m a Left Lane Driver. Lead foot, usually cussin’ at the old fogies in front of me… I seemed to live in the only state in the Midwest that never posts “Slow traffic Stay Right” signs on the highways. 🙄
I bet that’s why I get super gas mileage here though. The highest speed limit around here is 60 kph… damn that’s slow – I’m used to driving twice that in the States! Feels like we’re cruisin’ when we can finally get up that high though (slowpoke locals can’t seem to get past 40 kph half the time), which is just pathetic. And now getting on the Expressway freaks me out – posted speed limit is 80kph, some drivers go 120 – I should feel comfortable. Though these tiny cars crumple at low speeds; I’d hate to see what happens on the Expressway.