Morning Ms.Melody,I was wondering since the “Sand” is such a cool dragon color and seems to be easy enough to paint,is it possible you might make it a production color? The Laps would look sooo nice in those colors in particular for me.
Squeeking for more Sand Fledglings too.A few more of us would love to have one.
Thank you 🙂
Every act matters.No matter how smallđź’ž
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male day🤞Dream on.
I was planning to do the sand as production, but I have found that it is really difficult to paint.
It’s not impossible to paint, just a pain. When choosing a production color I prefer a color that doesn’t fight you the whole way. We have enough headaches.
The emperor looks nice in any get-up, but he would be stunning in sand! I can’t think of much that wouldn’t be lovely in sand, even a modified sand for the orientals would be awesome since they have no wings but still want to have pretty soft blue highlights.
I myself would love to see the OW and/or the Lap done in this scheme. I love my Fledgling and curly, and would most definitely buy an large sculpt in this color.