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    I am, but the store I work for isn’t doing well in sales, so I’m not getting the hours at work that I was expecting, and I need the money to pay off the books I put on my credit card for school.
    I hate having to use my credit card unless I can pay it off, but it couldn’t be helped this semester. The calculator for my math class was 120 new O.O (I got a used one on eBay for 70) and it’s not even the newest model. My Math book was 115 too O.O that’s just one class, why is it so expensive >.<


      Leigha wrote:

      I am, but the store I work for isn’t doing well in sales, so I’m not getting the hours at work that I was expecting, and I need the money to pay off the books I put on my credit card for school.
      I hate having to use my credit card unless I can pay it off, but it couldn’t be helped this semester. The calculator for my math class was 120 new O.O (I got a used one on eBay for 70) and it’s not even the newest model. My Math book was 115 too O.O that’s just one class, why is it so expensive >.<

      Do you really want to know or is that a rhetorical question?

      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
      Sun Dragon Koi #3


      is there a reason other than that students have to pay whatever the cost because the books are required by teachers?


        Leigha wrote:

        is there a reason other than that students have to pay whatever the cost because the books are required by teachers?

        😆 Text books are so expensive because it’s a very limited run. Only college students buy them and to produce a book run is expensive for a publisher. Since the costs are so high and the market is so limited the cost per book must be raised considerably.

        Books put out for the mass market like the Laurell K. Hamilton Books, or Harry Potter have millions of buyers and since they can produce a larger batch the costs are dispersed over more books and shared by more buyers. Since only a few thousand people buy textbooks there are not as many people to share the costs.

        Some teachers will tell you if a text is required. I never buy the workbook unless I my instructor tells me I’ll need it for a grade. Getting a hold of the ISBNs and buying used will also save you hundreds of dollars. The only time I’ll buy new is I have to or if software necessary to the course is involved-it has a warranty if the software is bad.

        Granted a lot of publishers put out new editions, that aren’t really all that new and there is a bit of gouging going on there. But as a general rule the costs are high because text book runs don’t really bring in much profit, despite the price.

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


        and it still sucks 😛 thanks for the info

        I do buy used first

        my math book was the “new edition” so there were no used books -.- and we do work from the book, so I couldn’t just skip it. I don’t always buy the book the teacher says we need, because most of the time I never open the book the whole semester. I did that for economics. Bought the book and never opened it. But I got a B, so it worked.


          Took me a while to get the hang of books. Now it’s my personal pet peeve, when students get ripped off by the bookstore.

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


          I just keep needing new editions for my textbooks >.< It sucks... I got a used organic last year and was the most popular person in class for 2 months (the new textbooks weren't delivered until November, for 3 classes of 300+ students, and there was 10 used books, lol). NAIT has $15 course packs so I saved a lot of money this semester... $250 vs what's usually around $600+ if I'm lucky. Still a ripoff for books though. :evil:


          scratcher and lap dragon sold ^^


          Congratulations on your sales, I hope the Mother Dragon sells for you too.
          I’d buy her if I didn’t already have her, the only one I need to complete the set
          is the Mother coiled in Peacock and I haven’t had any luck on her.


          the coiled mothers are hard to find, and expensive when you find them. I missed out on the last two that I found 🙁 Still looking for a white coiled mother


            I got really really lucky and found both the Peacock and White Coiled Mothers for under $200 each. But I was really really lucky. It does happen sometimes. I also have the Black Gold one and the Brown one. So now I just need the Emerald one. 😀 (And I need Melody to make a Jade one.)


            you got the one from the lady I brought to the forum 😛 that was a great deal ^^ I just didn’t have the money at the time to outbid you 😛

            I’ll get one eventually *haunts eBay and craigslist*

            although I don’t trust craigslist much, Paypal only -.- insurance and tracking required

            stupid scammers


              Leigha wrote:

              you got the one from the lady I brought to the forum 😛 that was a great deal ^^ I just didn’t have the money at the time to outbid you 😛

              Yep. That’s the one. It arrive safely and quickly too. Thanks! I should add her name to the White List.


              What’s going on with the white list? Is anyone running it anymore? No one has posted on it since April 1, as far as I can tell. If I am mistaken, I owe an apology!!I hope everything is ok there!


              Bump, the peacock mother ends today 🙂

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