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      To be honest, we do need to take her to a specialist, but it’s not an urgent thing. I just had these to sell and she needed the appointment, so I decided to go ahead and sell them so we could take her. Aurora is actually great at the moment. The red eyes on the golds and emeralds kinda freak me out. 😉 I’m super broke, but alot of it is because I spent it on the silver lap when it came out, she was darn near irresistable! 😆 The money from these dragons is going directly for Aurora. I’d offered them up for trade a couple times, but decided to go ahead and sell them. Plus, it’s taken me quite a while to find a specialist that takes patients who pay cash! Some wont.


      Sorry you have to sell those pices, purplecat. The emerald mama is beautiful. Bummer I don’t have room for her, and that I’ve already got a gold OW.


        I could go down $10 on the price of each if that helps, which would make the momma 150, the ow 240, the chick 40 and the horse 90. 🙂

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