Sorry for the late reply…DM you have to stay. And I can see ppl getting annoyed for ppl repeating stuff, but on the flipside…it helps others remember stuff. 😀
I don’t think anybody’s really annoyed at DM for repeating things. Sometimes we just can’t help pointing out that he did, is all! It certainly doesn’t bother me any.
Sorry for the late reply…DM you have to stay. And I can see ppl getting annoyed for ppl repeating stuff, but on the flipside…it helps others remember stuff. 😀
I might have figured out how to shrink my screen enough that most people walking by will not see I’m on line here
Alt tab thing? Is that like a panic button? I was addicted to Ze Franks page and she had a panic button. It never worked for me. (But, I never have to panic since I’m only surfing at home.)