
Rushed my husband to the er

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      Just doing a quick update. It looks like he has a lung infection starting so they are going to put him on iv antibiotics to clear it up. They can’t do a picc line because of the blood clot so they may have to keep him for the whole iv treatment in the hospital (4 or more weeks). It will suck because I won’t be able to visit him every day. It cost me $10 to park there every time I go and the hospital is an hour away from our house. I’m still waiting to hear from my ob on if they will schedule me for more tests. It looks like if they do I will have to go by myself which will be hard but oh well. Also my breaks were acting up on my car so I called my dad last night (he installed them for me since I didn’t feel like doing it). While I was talking to him my mom asked me ( for the 4th time mind you) if I wanted to go out to eat on thrusday. I told him to tell her I’ve already told her no I wanted to reschedule for next week with everything thats going on. He must have had me on speaker phone because she said “I know you told me no you little a** hole!” Sooo I told my dad by and hung up the phone. I never did get to figure out what is up with my breaks but I’m not going over there to lift my car and find out.


        😥 Oh man, you guys poor guys just can’t seem to catch a break! I’m so sorry about you husband. I hope he pulls throught this lung infection and clot thing quickly, so he can get his transplant. I also hope that your baby will be okay. The docs are probably just being cautious. I know it’s hard, but try not to get too stressed out over everything that’s going on. It’s a real shame your mother can’t be very supportive, instead of making it worse for you. That’s no way for a mom to act during a situation like this. Maybe your dad could try to talk some sense into her?

        But, we’re all here for you. Keep your chin up girl… you’re gonna make it!


        🙁 Tell your husband to hang in there. I’m sorry he can’t go with you to your appointment. Just remember when you go to see your OB that it’s okay to cry in front of them. Crying really is good stress relief, and they’ve seen it before & can handle it. (I burst into tears on the Dr. when I thought I was losing another baby.. my husband wasn’t there and the Dr. was really comforting, though I’m sure he was thinking ‘oh great’.)


          Wow! A lot happens when I’m gone. I’m so sorry this is all starting up again for you, PD. Seeing a counselor is a great idea. It also sounds like you need to avoid your family for a while (especially your mom). You should see if a friend could go with you to your appointments. It may help. Especially if they could drive you and you could avoid taking your car. You don’t want to be driving around in it if the brakes are going.

          I usually don’t express my religion on the forum, but I feel this may be a comfort: “May the Goddess bless you and hold you in her loving embrace.” I will send loving and healing thoughts your way. Keep safe. Keep calm. Keep breathing. The world will come around.


          Dam girl that is a lot more then I could go thru. I do hope that the baby is going to be ok. And you must remember that this is why you don’t need to stress over stuff. I think you are going in the right direction tho. It will be nice when you can talk to someone and they will just sit and listen to you and not make mean comments (my bf isn’t patience at times). That is also one of the reasons I like this forum because I can express how I feel and get advice. But I do hope that everything does turn out for the best.


            skigod377 wrote:

            Dear Purpledoggy,
            we wish you the best.
            For your husband and baby.
            For some weight off your chest.

            Heres praying your mother
            falls and bumps her head,
            and awakes with no nastyness
            only sweetness instead.

            Heres praying your hubby
            can get on the list,
            hope his clot goes away,
            cuz if not, I’ll be pissed.

            Heres hoping your troubles
            will pile up no more.
            Heres hoping for good health
            happyness galore.

            It really pains me
            to hear all your troubles
            and not be able to help
            esp when it doubles.

            But we all send you wishes
            for good luck to come.
            For a little good news
            cuz you sure deserve some.

            Hang in there girl!!!


            Awesome Peg…thanks for posting that here. I bet she will see it now. 😉


              OMG I love that poem, where was it posted because I missed it?! We did get some good news today. The transplant surgeon pushed for him to be listed this friday. He said he is not worried about the blood clot and feels he can go thru the surgery just fine with it. The cf doctors decided to do a modified picc line so he can come home on his antibiotics. He should get the picc placed tomorrow. I spent all day with him which was great. I walked him up and down the hall and we went to the main entrance downstairs to watch the cars go round and round the main patient drop off. I don’t know why but just watching everyone else busy about was kind of relaxing. We talked about his feelings and the hopefully soon to be surgery. We talked about how great it will be when he doesn’t need to be on oxygen all the time and he can walk up and down steps. The swelling in his neck has gone down and he doesn’t look as bad as he did when I first brought him in the er. He keeps saying he is sorry for getting sick on my vacation and that he will be in the hospital for my birthday but I told him that doesn’t matter. I’m happy that he is getting on antibiotics and that they will list him for transplant. I feel alot better then I did when all this started. I think reading all your posts has really cheered me up (I’m soo gonna print that poem and show it to my husband, he will love it).


                The poem was posted in Ski’s “My Windstone Poem” topic.


                  Thsi is all very good news. We all still wish you the best for the months ahead. please let us now as things unfold for you


                    Thank you Peg! PD, I am sooo glad you got some good news! FINALLY! *Wipes brow*


                      Sending lots of good thoughts your way….*hugs*


                      Wow, that is better news then before. I am glad to hear about it. 😀


                      It’s great to hear you got some good news! I hope everything keeps going in the right direction for you!


                        Well he still isn’t home and listing him on the lung transplant list is up in the air. They can’t seem to come up with when they want to do it but at least we know its soon and I just got the letter from the insurance company today saying they have approved it. He was supposed to get an iv line put in today but his clotting factor was too low for them to do it so they are gonna try tomorrow. They said as soon as he gets it in he can go home and have already set up a time from the home nurse to meet us. I’ll be happy when he is home because I used up the last of my parking vouchers today and I already need another tank of gas, lol.

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