
Rushed my husband to the er

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      Sorry to hear about yet another delay, I hope everything works out ok.


      Im terribly sorry to hear about all this happening to you and your husband. Words fall short when someone is dealing with as much stress as you seem to be under. Many here have offered some great resources for you. Though it might not be in your nature to utilize some of the techniques, it really might help just to find someone, anyone that is competent to understand, be open if not trained, to let you full out vent. Everyone needs a release and letting go of the frustration can lift the weight from your shoulders- even if it’s taking one of us into your confidence and talking to us through here. If you keep it inside, that negativity is poisonous and will feed on itself and build. Find a healthy outlet for it and try to see through the smoke and know youre not in this alone. You do have a support system around you even if you feel like youre reeling right now.

      If I can do anything for you, Im here. I know I can chat a long post but believe it or not, Im a good listener and would never judge you for anything you would be saying during a vent sessions. Id like to be helpful in any way I can. For now all I know I can do is to light a candle for both stress relief and healing for you and your husband.
      Big Hugs XXX


        🙁 I’m so sorry for the set backs that keep coming your way. I have you and your husband in my prayers. Just stick by him, like you have been. Love is the most important medicine you can give your husband… and I’m sure you know that. Just stay positive… as difficult as it may seem… keep your head up, and never give up hope!


          *huge hugs* 🙁


            I’m sorry I don’t mean to come on here all the time and bring everyone down. Thanks so much for reading my horrible posts and sending us well wishes. It really means alot to me. We talked with the doctors about what options are open to us at this point. Transplant is out of the question until we can get this blood clot resolved. Yes they were going to list him this morning and he would have been the only person on the list atm. But that is not to be. They could either go in and get the blood clot out but it is VERY risky and he would have to be in the icu afterwards because he could throw a clot, stroke out, go into a coma or pretty much die. Our second option is to just take meds to thin his blood and wait it out. We talked about what was the fastest way to get him on the transplant list and either way we go they said it will be 4-6 weeks before the transplant team would want to activate him. We decided that just doing the meds was a better option then the very risky pulling the clot out. They said once he gets out of the hospital they want to see him at clinic every week so they can keep an eye on him since he is so close to transplant. They don’t want anything to sneak up on us and screw any chance we have left.

            On top of all this I got a call from my ob doctor today and they said something might be wrong with the babies heart. I have to talk with them tomorrow about going to get a fetal ecg done to make sure everything is ok. They said its a small chance that something is wrong but they want to check and make sure. After hearing all this news my mom invited me over for dinner (I didn’t tell her anything about the baby). It was ok for about 5 minutes until she started yelling at me about my bills (which are fine) and that she is going to come over on thursday for my birthday. I told her I really wasn’t up to company this week with everything going on and if it would be ok to do it next week instead. So she started screaming at me so I left. I’m not emotionally stable enough to deal with her right now. I think I may take your guys advice and see if I can talk to a councelor. They have a crisis team at work (since its a high stress job) that is always open and free to us. I’m going to give them a call after I get my husband all taken care of. I’ve reached my emotional limit and can’t handle any more. For now I’m going to go downstairs and pet my old warrior and cry. I hope his paint doesn’t run, lol.


              Oh purpledoggy this is horrible!!! I think talking to a counsellor should be at the top of your list to do. You NEED to take care of you and there is only so much that you can do on your own. Hang in there we’re here for you *huggles*


              I will be praying that everything is ok with the baby’s heart. Hopefully it is just the doctors being cautious (which is good) but you certainly don’t need more stress right now.

              Going to the counselor at work sounds great. I’m glad you have that option open to you.

              And don’t worry or feel guilty about posting what’s going on in your life. You are going through a bad patch right now and if you can’t vent to your friends who can you vent to? I’m so glad you won OW #2 so he can brighten your life. Turns out he was worth every penny. Please, please, purpledoggy, don’t hesitate to post what’s going on or let off a little steam if you need to. That’s what we are here for!


              Oy vey! Damn you guys just can’t get a break.

              Let’s just go one day at a time then. I know it’s hard and very frustrating. For now let’s just concentrate on seeing that beautiful baby girl get here and try not to let the rest get to us.

              It’s all we can do at the moment, that, and hope that hubby’s health stays stable and doesn’t get any worse during the wait. Just take it one day at a time.

              Hang in there, everything will work out.




                they say when it rains it pours and it’s darkest just before the dawn. I know how you feel I have gone thru many situations like this. I HOPE everything works out for the best for you. When my mom passed in April the Forum was here for me so when we tell you we are here for you, you know we mean it.


                  Oh Purpledoggy I am so sorry to hear about your baby on top of everything else you have had to face recently. You must be a very strong person to have held up as well as you have considering the circumstances. I hope its just the doctors being cautious and nothing is wrong with your baby.

                  As for your mother it sounds like you need to stay away from her for the time being. Like everybody else has said the members of the forum are here for you and ready to listen to anything you need to get off your chest.

                  I hope your husband’s problems get resolved quickly and he gets that transplant.


                    My prayers and thoughts are with you! The most important things are your husband, your baby and yourself. Take care…where a door closes a window always opens.

                    When I feel bad like this, I like to watch that scene in the “Sound of Music” where she sings “My Favorite Things” It always cheers me up!






                    I added them all! I hope they cheer you!!!!


                    It’s exceelent that you will consider talking to an outside party like a counselor. Those that can make that step tend to be stronger, despite how you feel at the moment. It’s hard to ask for help but when you can put that initial feeling aside and do it, things can tkae a turn for the better very quickly.

                    I use to work for a huge company and they had free counseling should anyone need it for a shoert period of time. At one point, someone had broken into my place and all they stole was my new puppy. There was a HUGE multi diamond ring sittong on top of $256 in cash on my dresser- and they didnt even touch that. It was a puppy theft ring (I was all over the news and in the papers because I went absolutely above and beyond to try to find her and get her back… to no avail). Anyway, I sought out the counselors at work caused I felt so violated… I mean take ANYTHING from me, but not my animals! Those are my kids.

                    So, if you can nab a counselor, go for it and pour your heart out. Just unburden yourself. All this stress cant be good for the baby but in a weird way, be somewhat conforted in knowing that lots of things go temporarily wrong during pregnancy. With what youre going through, Im not surprised to hear that your body (which extends to your baby) is manifesting in such ways.

                    Like many of us have said- we are hear for you; and youre not bringing us down. Yes, we empathize with you but if we didnt want to read or be kept up to date about you, we wouldnt click OR post in your thread. We choose to be here; you dont make us come. Remember that.


                      I hope the baby is fine. I am glad you have counselors available. Stay away from your mom. She sounds like she is being a bootch. 😕 You need positive folks around you right now…not someone hollering about you over trivial crap. In the big scheme of things, who gives a crap about bills when you have so much more important things to worry about in your family.


                      I’m so sorry PD 🙁 I wish I was close enough that I could help. *hugs* & good thoughts continue for all 3 of you.


                        Wow-my heart goes out to you completely. I am so sorry to hear about all of these MOUNTAINS (it sure seems like it). I pray nothing is wrong with your baby, and talking to a counselor is awesome. I really really hope you have a good week after this bad day! Best wishes and prayers!

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