Well I had put in a high bid on the ruby lap dragon on ebay, then I went yesterday to find the auction and couldn’t find it anywhere, not even on My Ebay, so I figured it ended and I had lost. Now it appears again and since I placed my bid, I’m thinking I’d rather get her later, as I’m still chasing the last peacock dragon I need.
If someone wants her, she will be $122.44 and I can have her shipped direct to you from the seller, price good until Dec 12. She is mint in her box, and hey, $22 cheaper than Armiks or Grandio 😀
OR I will trade her plus $50 for a pretty peacock Old Warrior. I’m best reached by PM, as I check those daily, but if you prefer email, I can be reached at: wolfenmachine at stolenwings dot net (no spaces)