Rose Gold….Pink Lap Dragon.

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  • #574356

      Well, here she is…

      I really appreciate any and all opinions, so let me have them!! She’s going on ebay and will be up tonight or tomorrow. 🙂



          She’s beautiful!!!


          I want her she is so pretty 😀 .


            alright….that is too cool….stop it…you’re grounded…


            she is beautiful. obviously. 🙂

            i really like how you have the pinks concentrated in the smaller spaces and the white/pearl in the larger spaces. its not too pink and not too white. the wings and parts of the tail are warm and are a contrast to the white body. but it brings in the gold of the horns.

            i know you dont have control over the eyes, but it should have lavender or brown eyes, maybe yellow. the blue is ok, but it disrupts the overall flow of the colors.

            (do not get me wrong, you are talented air brush artist. and great with choosing colors. i am jsut trying to go beyond the ‘pretty and beautiful’ comments so you can improve your art)


              Only starting at $1? But I know it’ll be out of my price range by the time it finishes auction 😡
              Ah well.
              I’m not fond of pink, but MAN. You made this look awesome! The pink isn’t over powering or anything. Looks great!


                God I would have killed for lavendar eyes for her….


                  purplecat wrote:

                  Well, here she is…

                  I really appreciate any and all opinions, so let me have them!! She’s going on ebay and will be up tonight or tomorrow. 🙂


                  She is so Beautiful that I to put a bed on her


                    purplecat wrote:

                    God I would have killed for lavendar eyes for her….

                    Or the smoke grey ones….

                    I can’t wade through the MOUNTAIN of commission lists, but do you? I bought some PYOs thinking I would paint them…. Bleh for military. All money no free time.



                      I am not at all a fan of pink, but that is lovely!


                      She is very nicely done. I don’t like pink, but you put the shading and colors just right. A pity about the eye color, but she’ll sell well anyway. Great job.


                        She is lovely. I;m going to have to check the bank account!!! I can’t wait to see what Ski says! 😉


                        I wonder why Ski isn’t on so much any more. I miss her comments on everything.


                          Im on all the time 😆 I love this color. I just feel bad when I bid or comment on repaints since they are discouraged. Its too bad, too, because I love most of them and have even bought one. I love this one in particular. I hope it stays in my price range and gets to come home to me.

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