
Rock dragon

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      Kujacker wrote:

      twindragonsmum wrote:

      out of curiosity… do the rock dragons have any interference paint on them?

      Doesn’t look like it. I think some proto little rock dragons did, but not the production someone correct me if I’m wrong.

      Nope, no correction. Neither the large or little rock dragons have interference. The 10 little rock dragons sold on Ebay did, though. I can’t remember if it was purple or blue interference. 😕


        It was purple! They were really cute.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          I’ve got a perfect spot in our back garden that needs a rock dragon or two… Does anyone have pix of one with the purple interference?



            Got it!
            Belongs to PHIL and NIRVANACAT

            Oh maybe not that one…


            WOW that’s a colorful lizard 😀


              Beckie, were you talking about the rock dragon or the little rock dragon?


              oooh I like that one…a lot…so pretty


                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                Beckie, were you talking about the rock dragon or the little rock dragon?

                both, I guess… Is this one yours BDW? My boys are intrigued by the idea of an outdoor Windstone that looks so life like 😀



                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  Beckie, were you talking about the rock dragon or the little rock dragon?

                  both, I guess… Is this one yours BDW? My boys are intrigued by the idea of an outdoor Windstone that looks so life like 😀
                  No this one comes from Melody’s gallery and they had some like that at onetime on eBay. Wish I would have had the money then…
                  I only have the regular one That you can see picture in my signy minus the green on him and the green eyes.


                    Thankies! I may have to look into getting one… My want list is growing rapidly… just wish the budget would keep up! 😆



                      Wow. I really don’t like that big rock dragon in those colors @__@


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      Try Candles and Clay.

                      Thanks for that link. It looks like they just have the candle lamps though, but I will still visit if its nearby. I hope someone here carries the dragons.

                      You never know you might be able to get them to start carrying the rest of the line now that you are there.

                      Well that particular place is in California. I wont be driving there for any shopping. 😆

                      Ooops! I thought they were in Hawaii! I guess the “Aloha Bay” products threw me off. 😳

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