rock and a hard place

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      I’m so sorry to hear that about your kitty… 🙁

      Don’t ever feel like you didn’t do enough for her! From what you wrote, it is as clear as day that you cared deeply for your little furry friend and you really did all that you could for her.

      When you realized she was having problems, you took her to the vet to try to cure whatever was ailing her. …When her vet wasn’t able to fix her illness, you did everything you could to ease her pain for as long as you could. You gave her all types of medications. You created the best, most softest possible food for her to eat with ease. You gave her your support and your “Love”. You gave her everything she could have ever want during this time.

      Since you held her so close to your heart, you and your family were fortunately able recognize her daily chronic discomfort. And you knew that there was only one other way to ease her pain completely… And I’m sure she thanks you for that. She thanks you for the time you were able to spend loving her and providing the best life she could ever want. You made this difficult decision because you loved her and wanted her to have a life full of happiness. So please never regret your decision. In her life, she had a family that would do anything for her to have a fulfilled life. And you gave her that… <3
      Be proud that you were able to give your kitty a life filled with friendship and love…

      Thank you so much for your kind words! They really help.


        It sounds to me like you did your best, too. Feeling like you didn’t is only natural, though. I’m not going to say that feeling will fade quickly, but it will eventually.

        It might make you cry (tears are therapeutic!), but here is a poem our vet had framed on the wall in his waiting room about this :


        If it should be that I grow weak
        And pain should keep me from my sleep,
        Then you must do what must be done,
        For this last battle cannot be won.

        You will be sad, I understand.
        Don’t let your grief then stay your hand.
        For this day, more than all the rest,
        Your love for me must stand the test.

        We’ve had so many happy years.
        What is to come can hold no fears.
        You’d not want me to suffer so;
        The time has come — please let me go.

        Take me where my need they’ll tend,
        And please stay with me till the end.
        Hold me firm and speak to me,
        Until my eyes no longer see.

        I know in time that you will see
        The kindness that you did for me.
        Although my tail its last has waved,
        From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

        Please do not grieve — it must be you
        Who had this painful thing to do.
        We’ve been so close, we two, these years;
        Don’t let your heart hold back its tears.

        — Anonymous —

        This is a truly beautiful poem, I thought I could cry anymore today but this just had me balling all over again. Thank you for sharing.


          I have seen this several places. I received my copy of all things from the Drs Foster & Smith catalog people after I called them to cancel my catalog after I had to put my cat down…

          Rainbow Bridge

          Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
          When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone
          Here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
          There are meadows and hills for all ofour special friends
          So they can run and play together.
          There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine and our friends
          Are warm and comfortable.
          All the animals that dan been ill and old are restored to health
          And vigor; those whowere hurt or maimed are made whole
          And strong agina, just as we remember thm in our dreams
          Of days and times gone by.
          The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing;
          They miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.
          They all run and play together, but the day comes when one
          Suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
          His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver,
          Sudenly, he begins to run from the group flying over the green
          Grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
          You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend
          Finally meet, oucling together in joyous reunion, never
          To be parted again.
          The happy kisses rain upon you face; your hands again
          Caress the beloved head and you look once more into those
          Trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life, but never
          Absent from your heart…

          Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together…

          Author Unknown…

          I have several pets waiting for me at the rainbow bridge. Hugs.


            So sorry to hear about your loss. It’s never easy to make that decision, but they are counting on us to help them when they are suffering.

            On a side note, those poems made me cry something terrible…at work, I might add.

            Keeper of the Fledgings


              You did do all you could . Believe me I know how haed it is to let go of a loved cat . You second guess yourself , you think you could have done more . But you did the right thing .
              My cat was so sick and couldn’t walk on her hind leges . It tore me apart to even think of letting her go . But I could not stand to see her sick . My wanting to keep her with me was wrong . She needed to go . It was selfish to keep her alive when she was dieing so slowly .
              It still hurts and I miss her and the other cats I’ve had sense her .


              You did what you had to do. It’s more painful to watch your loved pet waste away in pain and misery then to let them go when you’ve done all you can.

              That poem made me cry though… the first one. You love your pets so much over the years, and the most selfless, heartbreaking, and love filled thing you can do for your pet, is, in the end, to let them go when it’s time.

              My condolences, and many many hugs.


                *Hugs* Grayfire.. it’s always hard to lose a friend 🙁 Take solace in the fact that you loved her and she undoubtedly knew that. You cared enough to end her suffering, and although it’s painful, it takes a very loving heart to go through that pain for the good of another.

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                  *hugs!* 🙁


                    My sister wanted me to post an update.
                    We got a call from the vet today and it seems that she was not able to put the cat down. Of course this was a shock. Evidently she spent some time with her and tried feeding her herself. Autumn ate the food they had very willingly. She still has the tooth issue. So the vet offered to find a home for her that would be able to take care of her and her medical needs.

                    I really admire this vet. And for this cat to have the chance of having a home all to herself instead of having to share it with a bunch of other cats that don’t even let her in the house, it’s a great second chance. She really is an awesome calico long hair and would just be perfect in a home all to herself of maybe with just two more pets at the most.


                      Wow! What a miracle! Hugs to your family!




                      OMG that’s wonderful!! Thank the Lord for that vet!


                      Wow, what a blessing! I hope she finds a wonderful home where she’s the only cat and lives a long life.


                        Oh that is wonderful . That vet is a beautiful soul . What a great ending to the story .


                          First I had tears of sadness, now I have tears of happiness


                            you should have seen our faces when the vet called and said our cat was not dead! The poor vet was actualy pretty torn up over it, she was having a hard time with going against what she was hired to do and yet she just could not put down an animal that could have a longer enjoyable life. We really owe a lot to this vet, that was just a great thing to do.

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