rock and a hard place

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      Recently one of my cats recently developed this tooth problem where the body starts dissolving the tooth, this is an unexplained occurring in felines, it can be treated but it is hit and miss on whether treatment will work. Well we paid to get her treated and went through giving her antibiotics, pain killers, and steroids. We where all hopeful it would work. As time went on we switched her from softened dry food to caned food that we crushed and added warm water to. She would eat but if she got to much food in her mouth she would howl in pain and start back up in a panic. It was awful there was nothing we could do to help her. This was a cat that loved eating and suddenly she couldn’t because of severe pain and everything we tried was not working and it was only getting worse. Today after trying for the last 2 and a half months to get her better my family and decided to euthanize her. I couldn’t just sit back and watch her be in misery staring at her food bowl. It still really sucks it wasn’t like it was a wound you could see on the surface and she wasn’t extremely old either… I can’t help but battle the feeling that I didn’t try hard enough and that I just killed my cat. :(( This has just been a very bad day.


        Awwwwww….. making the choice to ease the suffering of a furry member of the family is never easy. *HUGS*


        I’m so very sorry for your loss. You did what you thought was best out of love for her, and she knows that.

        Was there a reason that pulling the tooth was not a possibility?


          We did get the teeth that where affected pulled. The one problem was that the vet couldn’t get all of the root on one of the teeth out. I think that’s why it stayed painful and awful.



          -- Angie


            Oh sweetheart, I’m so very sorry about your fur baby. Just know that you did what was best for her and she knows it. I give you many, many hugs.




              I know it was hard, but you made the best choice you could for her so she wouldn’t hurt anymore. You gave her a lovely life full of love attention and a good home, which is more than 90% of cats living today can say. Rest knowing that you loved her, and she loved you. Hugs…


                HUGZ 😥


                I’m so sorry to hear that about your kitty… 🙁

                Don’t ever feel like you didn’t do enough for her! From what you wrote, it is as clear as day that you cared deeply for your little furry friend and you really did all that you could for her.

                When you realized she was having problems, you took her to the vet to try to cure whatever was ailing her. …When her vet wasn’t able to fix her illness, you did everything you could to ease her pain for as long as you could. You gave her all types of medications. You created the best, most softest possible food for her to eat with ease. You gave her your support and your “Love”. You gave her everything she could have ever want during this time.

                Since you held her so close to your heart, you and your family were fortunately able recognize her daily chronic discomfort. And you knew that there was only one other way to ease her pain completely… And I’m sure she thanks you for that. She thanks you for the time you were able to spend loving her and providing the best life she could ever want. You made this difficult decision because you loved her and wanted her to have a life full of happiness. So please never regret your decision. In her life, she had a family that would do anything for her to have a fulfilled life. And you gave her that… <3
                Be proud that you were able to give your kitty a life filled with friendship and love…


                  Thanks guys! I was really struggling today. I know it was the right decision but I keep having a second guessing type feeling.


                    The usual solution for that problem is to pull *all* of the teeth. Every single one save for the canines.

                    I’m so sorry treatment didn’t work out for her. 🙁 Mouth pain is miserable pain and you did what was best. *hugs*


                      It sounds to me like you did your best, too. Feeling like you didn’t is only natural, though. I’m not going to say that feeling will fade quickly, but it will eventually.

                      It might make you cry (tears are therapeutic!), but here is a poem our vet had framed on the wall in his waiting room about this :

                      IF IT SHOULD BE

                      If it should be that I grow weak
                      And pain should keep me from my sleep,
                      Then you must do what must be done,
                      For this last battle cannot be won.

                      You will be sad, I understand.
                      Don’t let your grief then stay your hand.
                      For this day, more than all the rest,
                      Your love for me must stand the test.

                      We’ve had so many happy years.
                      What is to come can hold no fears.
                      You’d not want me to suffer so;
                      The time has come — please let me go.

                      Take me where my need they’ll tend,
                      And please stay with me till the end.
                      Hold me firm and speak to me,
                      Until my eyes no longer see.

                      I know in time that you will see
                      The kindness that you did for me.
                      Although my tail its last has waved,
                      From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

                      Please do not grieve — it must be you
                      Who had this painful thing to do.
                      We’ve been so close, we two, these years;
                      Don’t let your heart hold back its tears.

                      — Anonymous —


                        Kit, I think you just made half the members cry…I know I did…I still have it hard thinking about Tundra…but we all have to make that call when the time comes…


                          I’m so sorry about your kitty. :(( You did the best you could–don’t beat yourself up. It’s a hard choice to put a precious fur baby out of their misery. You tried and yes in time, the hurt will fade. Big, big hugs!


                          Oh, I’m so sorry that the treatment didn’t work! You did the most wonderful thing for her though, you loved her enough to end her pain.

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