Roasted Chestnuts

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  • #515644

    muhahahahaha!!!! Chocolate for my 2.5 lbs of chestnuts!


      CherylKaufman wrote:

      muhahahahaha!!!! Chocolate for my 2.5 lbs of chestnuts!

      *looks down at chest*…..I think mine are more like 5lbs….each….anyone have enough chocolate for them?

      sorry…had too, it’s in my nature…


      She did it again.
      And btw Nirvana, that’d be a waste of chocolate.
      (I know I’m egging her on.)


        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        CherylKaufman wrote:

        muhahahahaha!!!! Chocolate for my 2.5 lbs of chestnuts!

        *looks down at chest*…..I think mine are more like 5lbs….each….anyone have enough chocolate for them?

        sorry…had too, it’s in my nature… πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

        Duhn! Duhn! Duhn! Another one bites the dust. and another one gone and another one gone, another one bites the dust!


        Hmm, how much do bald headed babies weigh?


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          She did it again.
          And btw Nirvana, that’d be a waste of chocolate.
          (I know I’m egging her on.)

          Nuh uh! My bf would enjoy it…..I could even get in a few licks….not a waste….


          I think the taste would be interfered with…


          The horrified look on my face and the sheer grimace as I read how this thread has turned out- my cheeks still hurt from holding my face like that.

          I’ll NEVER look at my roated chestnuts again without remembering this conversation. THANKS A LOT NIRVANA!


          You can almost always count on Nirvana. πŸ˜†


            Sorry….. πŸ˜₯


              I’m gonna go walk off a bridge now…..


              Whoa! Make your will first and keep us kind and considerate forum members in mind!



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