Roasted Chestnuts

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    So, has anyone else found roasted chestnuts to be one of the season’s most delectable tasty treat?! I’m eating a bowl of them a night (granted that amounts to about 7 nuts but STILL) and I think I’ve spent well over $20 int eh past week and a half to feed my new-found addiction!

    On a tangent- if you HAVE discovered these yummies what do you add to them to make them taste EVEN BETTER~



      Garlic powder


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Garlic powder

      Is that because it tastes great on everything or it really is that tasty on chestnuts? Is it something I would EVER consider sauteeing in butter and garlic powder or is that just yucky?


        CherylKaufman wrote:

        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        Garlic powder

        Is that because it tastes great on everything or it really is that tasty on chestnuts? Is it something I would EVER consider sauteeing in butter and garlic powder or is that just yucky?

        *shrug* personal taste, otherwise, I would go with a little cinamon and sugar.


          I have never had them. Are they really that good? I may see what we have around here…


          skigod377 wrote:

          I have never had them. Are they really that good? I may see what we have around here…

          Well they are a nut you have to cook and they have the potential to explode- I use a sauce pan with a top and cook them over high heat (shaking frequently because they can burn ont eh side down for 2 minutes then bring the heat down to 2/3rds of “High” and shake the pan and cook them until I see them split the shell- when a little less than half look like that they are ready to take off the heat..LET THEM SIT until you can’t hear them steam anymore and then crack them with your hand- they are SUPER delicious


            CherylKaufman wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            I have never had them. Are they really that good? I may see what we have around here…

            Well they are a nut you have to cook and they have the potential to explode- I use a sauce pan with a top and cook them over high heat (shaking frequently because they can burn ont eh side down for 2 minutes then bring the heat down to 2/3rds of “High” and shake the pan and cook them until I see them split the shell- when a little less than half look like that they are ready to take off the heat..LET THEM SIT until you can’t hear them steam anymore and then crack them with your hand- they are SUPER delicious

            Sounds like an accident waiting to happen, but I think it would be fun!!!


            If you cook them with respect they usually won’t blow up and hurt you :p


              Wow. I learned something new. I didn’t realize you cook those with the shell on. I thought it was like toasting pecans before you bake or cook with them.



              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              Garlic powder

              Powder? What’s wrong with the real thing still fresh in its skin? Stuff that comes pre-processed never tastes half as good as fresh.


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                Garlic powder

                Powder? What’s wrong with the real thing still fresh in its skin? Stuff that comes pre-processed never tastes half as good as fresh.

                You buy processed? We usualy dry our own garlic and powder it…. 😯 j/k While I do get the processed for quick use, I have dried my own and powdered it, real tasty. And I love my garlic press thankyouverymuch. =P


                😯 I don’t DO fresh made garlic :p I was thinking if the chocolate from ski or GB actually gets to me I shall melt some of it and dip the chestnuts in it.


                  CherylKaufman wrote:

                  😯 I don’t DO fresh made garlic :p I was thinking if the chocolate from ski or GB actually gets to me I shall melt some of it and dip the chestnuts in it.

                  For a second I thought you were gonna dip it in garlic. I still have not bothered to try that. Chestnuts and chocolate sound good.


                  No, Nirvana, I don’t buy processed. And I like garlic very much too – fresh. That’s why I was suspicious when you said powder.
                  And Cheryl, rest assured. I just sent a kilo of chocolate to New York. Seems to arrived just fine.

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