Rising Spectral

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    skigod377 wrote:

    I would consider the first 10 signed ones on Ebay “Special”, too.

    Oh yes i forgot them as well 😀


      Yes, all those “special” gold sculpts on ebay are signed by Melody, and have the “special” glitter paint layer.


        I meant the special first 10, like the Intense Violet Emerald Peacock and the Gold with the special glitter — those are offered on Ebay. We were only talking about the Emerald Peacock, Gold, and Peacock Rising Spectrals, so I didn’t even think about your special Sitting Spectral, DM.

        All I was saying was that unless they are one of these special ones, you can get them through me or Wolflodge (and we would appreciate the business so we can stay in business). Except the Peacock, that is only through Windstone too.


        More than happy to order anything through you emerald. When i start uni next month i can see me wanting to use that nice layaway 😀


        Only 5 peacock Risers left? I’m glad I found one at a store, or I’d have to order one now.
        Speaking of Spectrals, what did the last four special ones on E-Bay go for?


        The sitting IVEP I got was about 198.00 i beleive…
        The IVEP riser went for 255.. I was out bid by five dollars… I should have bid again but I ran out of money.. kickn myself now


        Thanks, Trottier. The gold one went for $255, right? I was going to bid and then forgot, but at that price I may as well order one later.


        Sorry GB I wasn’t watching the gold ones.. I’m not sure what they went for..


        The most recent gold rising spectral went for $405…


        Thank you, Mimi. $405? Dang! Who won it?


        You’re welcome! I didn’t recognize the name — is that a forum member?


          Not a name I recognize.


          I don’t recognize it either. That might explain why they paid so much. Good for Windstone.


            That one did sell for a lot. I think the last few only sold for the mid two hundreds or something.


            One went for $180. I’m so kicking myself for not placing a bid on that.

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