Hey, my name’s Riverspell. I’ve introduced myself on here but failed to be much active since I joined say a week, maybe two? ago. Thought I might share my artwork, as it’s such a large part of me.
That’s my deviantart and now I’ll post a couple of my better images. Hope this doesn’t bother those of you with slow connections!
http://riverspell.deviantart.com/gallery/36299082#/d4hmtu0 (This one won overall in a contest at our church district, it looks better in person)
http://riverspell.deviantart.com/gallery/36913838#/d4gq09q Jackalopes!!
There’s tons more in my gallery. The old stuff folder has works from two or three years ago. Some almost 4. So they’re not terribly up to date.
Let me know what you think!