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    Yeral wrote:

    Griffinlover wrote:

    ( I know regret using my spectrial tiger mount, should have sold it)


    I STILL want one of those!! 😆 Did you get it by chance? I was friends with a fellow who actually bought boxes and boxes of TCG cards specifically to get one of these. He thought it would be cheaper. He said all in all it cost him around $400.00 – which, at the moment, is definitely cheaper – but imagine having to go through all those cards!

    I’m downloading Rift on my computer at home. Honestly, if I like it enough I will play with or without my boyfriend 😆

    Also, I think we should all roll on the same server 😳 I’d love to play a game with you guys.

    OOH and one more question – are there PVP and PVE servers? I’m not a fan of PVP, so I’m just hoping that there are options to not always be preyed on by other players ><

    My tiger was given to me by my x fiancée. I want to say it took just one box to get it. I love that tiger. Since I closed my account he is useless now 🙁

    I am on Belmont . Its a PvE server. I tried PvP but people were being dicks killing the low lvl quest Npc like they do in Cross roads in WoW. If you read the forums there is a big differance in PvP and PvE servers. Can’t find the link atm. The guild I am in is a bunch of high end raiders from WoW and a few RL friends of mine. It is a good guild that will be casual but also hard core raiding. I am a cleric who is Sentinel, Warden, and Purifier. I went all healing. My Honey is a rouge who tanks. Let me know if anyone is on this server!


      Awesome! I’m rolling on Belmont – It was actually my first choice when I was playing around with things earlier 🙂

      I’ll edit this post in a few with my character’s name. I assume you’re on the .. err.. I dont know what the faction is, but equivalent to Horde? 😆

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      Yeral wrote:

      Awesome! I’m rolling on Belmont – It was actually my first choice when I was playing around with things earlier 🙂

      I’ll edit this post in a few with my character’s name. I assume you’re on the .. err.. I dont know what the faction is, but equivalent to Horde? 😆

      hehehe yes! I am on the Dark Side!

      My toons names Are Dizzy and Dizzylizzy. I am about to make a rouge and I will post her name as soon as I make her


      Don’t know how I managed it but Unicorn is my rouges name. I will be playing her while my honey is at work.


        Gah! Of course, I got 5 minutes of play time and then my internet quit for the night!!

        I’ll be getting on and trying again today though so I’ll see if I can figure out how to pm you 😀

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          Heck yes I play this game! I played beta 5,6, and this 7th.
          I actually got to play it on my brand new computer I built for the 1st time last night.. The best part is I can run it on max settings, it’s amazing!
          I play a lvl 24 tank on greybrier I think it is. But i’m not against moving to a new one.
          I’ll make a toon on your server when I get home. I could go either pvp or pve.. Doesn’t matter to me. My charcters name will be Apari.


            Everyone wants 2 be evil though… I picked guardian. 🙂
            Anybody use Skype to chat on? It works really well!


              My boyfriend actually owns a Ventrilo server that we often use to talk because he doesn’t live nearby. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we use it as well! I think it has a 10 person limit but I doubt that should be a problem 🙂

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                Yeral wrote:

                My boyfriend actually owns a Ventrilo server that we often use to talk because he doesn’t live nearby. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we use it as well! I think it has a 10 person limit but I doubt that should be a problem 🙂

                Sweet! I used vent while I played WoW that very short time. I just used Skype cuz it’s free.


                  Yeah I figured 😀

                  I just logged on (FINALLY! My internet is in the process of being changed so i dont know how long I’ll last tonight) – my mage’s name is Dynah on Belmont (dark side 😉 )

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                    I guess I should put up all of my characters names because I seem to be switching between them pretty often 😆 I can’t tell what I like the most yet..

                    Dynah – mage
                    Penelopea – cleric
                    Stumbleine – rogue

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                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                      Yeral wrote:

                      I guess I should put up all of my characters names because I seem to be switching between them pretty often 😆 I can’t tell what I like the most yet..

                      Dynah – mage
                      Penelopea – cleric
                      Stumbleine – rogue
                      I’ll add all you guys when i get off work in an hour (5 central time)
                      I haven’t played the Defiant yet either so that’ll be different. We can all learn together I guess.


                        To be honest, I’ve tried all of the races and I like the elf (on the good side) the best 😳

                        However, I can always play a dark elf and still be happy! I know their racials aren’t geared towards mages and other casters, but oh well.

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                        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                          You could always come to the good side. 😉
                          I know how you feel. I play a human tank although the dwarf is more for tanking.. But i just can’t make myself play a dwarf!


                            Sorry for not getting back on Sagi >< I just got a new internet service provider 😆

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                            Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

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