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        I found this receipe in our local newspaper and gave it a try. I used baby back ribs but you can use any type of ribs. But the meat turns out so tender it just falls off the bones! Just yum, yum :yum:

        You preheat your oven to 200 degrees. The receipe calls for 5lbs of ribs but you can get as less or as many as you need. You make a rub with the following:

        1 cup brown sugar
        2 Tables paprika
        2 teas salt
        2 teas garlic powder
        1/4 teas cloves
        1/2 teas cinnamon

        Mix this up and rub on meat thoroughly. Place the ribs, meat side down, in heavy duty foil–have enough foil to make a packet. Fold up the foil tightly so that you have a packet and place on baking sheet and bake for 4 hours. Then turn heat down to 175 degrees and bake 2 more hours or until fork goes through meat easily.

        Open packets from one end [careful, steam will be hot, hot, hot] and pour juices into a pan. Heat juice until reduced by half and spoon is coated. Then add 1 Tables apple cider vinegar [can use red or white vinegar] and 1 to 2 teas vanilla. Serve sauce over meat–you can place ribs on grill for a few minutes but why?! They are soooo tender! You can adjust rub mixture according to how much meat you have. Also you can use other rubs–I plan to use chilli powder to kick it up a bit. So enjoy folks! :yum: 😀


          Oh that sounds good… :yum:


          Oh good lord my tongue just had a stroke thinking about that! 😮 I must try sometime (not that I have the time to bake something for 4-6 hours)….


            Ooh, I have a tip for rib makers!

            On the backside of ribs there is a tough skin-like membrane that can be peeled off… I find the best method is to grab it with a papertowel and pull. Its really tough, but then you dont have to eat it and it makes the ribs more tender. When you start pulling on it, you can feel how tough it is… imagine chewing on it! (learned from Maxim magazine).


              Sounds wonderful but no oven for me except in the winter.I season some water real good with onion,garlic,salt cajun spice,pepper,boil them for 1/2 hour,take them out and coat with favorite b-b-que sauce mix and grill.The meat will fall off the bone.My oven is so hot in the summer when on in my house,I found an easy,cooler way. 🙂

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                Here’s a little recipe my grandma made! She’d be angry with me if she knew I was hogging it to myself!

                1/2 cup ketchup
                1/4 cup vinegar
                2 tbsp Worcester sauce
                1 tsp celery seed
                1/2 tsp chilli powder
                2-4 shots of hot sauce (I use Frank’s Red Hot sauce, and I use about a 1/2 a cup of it!)
                chopped garlic

                Mix all ingredients and marinate ribs overnight in fridge. Cook ribs as you usually would, and eat that mess up!

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