Repainted Windstone in the UK

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Repainted Windstone in the UK

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    We have a really fab professional painter in the Uk and this is her first windstone piece, she has never seen them befroe so the colours got left up to her to do what she wanted πŸ˜€ im going to get her to repint me a Griffin. The Dragon here is owned by another collector who is also getting her to do a griffin. What do you guys think?
    Pictures Copywright of John Webster



      Thats incredible!!


        The description says it’s a young dragon, when in fact it’s a PYO.


        Beautiful job!


        Oh yeh hee hee we know its a paint your own, he just means young dragon as if it is a young small windstone dragon, rather than the actual ‘young dragon’


          Wow!!! That’s awesome!!! 😯


            It truly is gorgeous! Although I am somewhat annoyed by Dan the Elite Sorceror’s comment…

            Okay, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but may I kick him please πŸ˜†


            Go ahead by me, LIH. The paint job is well done, but much too drab for my taste.


            lol he was only joking, and he doesn’t collect windstone so i will personally go tell him off because he has no idea what the painting is like πŸ˜€ He is American as well so you can go and tell him off in person lol.


            yeh its a little boring but i still like it. Ide personally have something more colourful πŸ˜€


            Good for you, Griffiness. If you do it very nicely maybe he’ll start collecting too. πŸ˜€


              πŸ˜† Just kidding, for one thing, if I were to take a trip to the USA, I would go shopping for Windstones, not waste time kicking anybody. And for another thing, he could have said that he finds windstones hideous, it’s true that everyone is entitled to their opinion πŸ˜‰

              …as long as they agree with me *did I say that out loud?*


              i made him buy a Griffin PYO πŸ˜€ and he has a ruby egg so maby i’ll make him get some more 8)


              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† You did, and I can relate, LIH.

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