removing old paint?

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    I have a prototype PYO griffin that I half-painted, but now I want to do something else with it… how should I go about removing the old colors?

    The paints aren’t too thick, I COULD paint over them, but I’d rather find out if there’s another way first.


      Some replies from other PYO repaint threads

      skigod377 wrote:

      I ran it under a faucet and scrubbed a little It didnt work to well. If you didnt lay on too much paint, you can always paint over it. Getting the paint off is difficult.

      Algy wrote:

      I use rubbing alcohol and Q-tips.

      Dip the q-tip and dab where you want to remove paint, you have to give it a few moments, then you can rub it off with your finger or an old toothbrush.

      That’s how I work. 🙂

      foxfeather wrote:

      Pure actetone will take the Paint off just about anything. you get it in the automotive section of hardware stores. But I don’t know if it will damage the gypsum. Maybe try nail polish remover with acetone, if there is such a thing anymore, it might be gentler, or try the actone in a small spot first.

      SPark wrote:

      I’ve used acetone. Works just fine!


        I should add that I’ve found out acetone is kind of toxic. It takes paint off a little better than rubbing alcohol, but I’ve switched to using alcohol for most things, as breathing toxic fumes on a regular basis probably isn’t a good idea.


          I actually used non-acetone nail polish remover and it worked fairly well at removing the paint.


          Thanks a lot! I should have researched the threads first XD


            There are so many threads that sometimes things have a tendancy to get lost.

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