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      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Omg I am very sorry to hear this happened to you. So happy that no people or pets were harmed during this break-in. I really hope they capture whomever is responsible asap.


          Wow, sorry to hear that and so glad your pets are okay and all accounted for.

          I know exactly what you mean by feeling creepy knowing that someone went through your stuff… in February 2012 our house was broken into. It was mainly a ‘smash and grab’ and they went for small easy to take jewelry and loose money. We live in a large subdivision and the police told us that this was most likely done by a Burglary Ring, that had been active across three States – they just take quick stuff to sell at those ‘Buy Gold for Cash’ places which have cropped up all over in recent years.

          They smashed our basement door window out after trying to break down the door (my Hubby always reinforces the outer door jams). They were determined because they had to go into a neighbor’s yard to get a large stone the size of a basketball to use, and then crawl in the door window after clearing all the glass. So, smashed glass ALL Over the basement floor – we were finding shards for over a month later.

          They got most of my bracelets, earrings, some of my ivory and Native American handmade necklaces, and all of my rings … some expensive and one-of-a-kind, like an artist made solid silver ‘PegaPuss’ ring hand cast in the mid-1980’s.

          Our little dog was at home, and like your cats, is timid around strangers so she probably just went to a part of the house they were not. When leaving, they left the front door wide open too.


          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


            OMG! I can only imagine what you are feeling right now and I know what you mean about your neighborhood. Your neighbors are just … *gag and curse words*. Glad you, your sister, Shaun and the pets are ok and your sister’s boyfriend is getting proper treatment. Glad to hear they didn’t check out your Windstone shrine. Hopefully your missing items show up (except the broken tv… hehe), but seriously, glad the living things are ok. Call me later if you want to vent. Wish I was closer or could drive out this weekend. *HUGS*


              Oh sweetie!!!! *HUGS* Love to you and let me know if you need to chat/vent. That’s about all I can do from Oregon. 🙁


              So glad it wasn’t worse and nobody got hurt, so sorry it happened at all. 🙁 Feel free to vent all you want!


                Oh no! So sorry this happened to you and I’m glad no one got hurt and your pets are fine. Vent all you want–this is stressful–and we’re here for you to try and give you as much emotional support as we can. HUGS!


                For your own safty, I would recommend pepper spray, and keep a can of hornet spray by your bed. It sprays around ten to twenty feet, and would have the same affect.

                I hope everything gets much better. Careful, cause the world is a scary place. I’ll be praying for you guys!

                Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)

                As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
                Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


                  Wow, I am shaken and so creeped out just by reading this. I know it’s a huge pain in the ass and sometimes impossible to do for whatever reason, but if at all possible, I’d try to move out of there. You shouldn’t be living anywhere where you can anticipate a break in. Home should be somewhere you feel safe. If nothing else, try to get an alarm system if you can. ::hugs:: Wish there was more I could do. At least you have your priorities straight. You’re taking this a lot better than I would be.


                    Oh, Drag0n, I’m so sorry!! Many years ago, someone pushed my air conditioner out of my window and came in that way. My beloved black cat, Pumpkin, got scared and jumped out that window and I never saw her again. :'( They stole all weird things like my cheap vacuum cleaner, a hideous dress that my mom gave me, a music box that I got at Walmart, and a broken TV that I was going to put out with the trash that week! I was so uncomfortable in my own home after that. ((HUGS)) that you guys and your fur babies are all unharmed. <3


                      Yeah, it could have been so much worse… they could have been still there when you got home. I’m so glad you’re ok!

                      Big hugs!!!

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                        Oh my goodness. That’s terrible! I can imagine how I would feel if that happened to me! You did the right thing alerting the police about the neighbor though and it it was somehow connected to this break in, I hope they find whoever is responsible and I hope your insurance can cover damages! Thank goodness your animals were okay and most valuable items. So you didn’t lose any valuable Windstones or grab bags? That is very lucky if it was mostly production pieces that can be replaced. I hope you are able to find a better area to move to where you won’t have to worry about anything like this happening again! It’s a shame that there are areas where things like this happen and people don’t realize how their poor choices affect everyone around them.

                        I once moved to a 4 plex which I later found out was in a bad part of town. It seemed nice and central but attracted bad people living around there. The first night we moved on, these Native Americans next door were partying all night and it sounded like there was a drunk guy abusing a woman and it really scared me and my mom. We called the police and were afraid to go outside as our door was like a couple feet from theirs and we could here them going in and out fighting. We had police come and knock on my bedroom window at 3 am or something asking what we heard and everything. Other people had also called them and they told us this was a regular thing for them and that they were getting calls every week to come control these people next door. The next day, there were windows smashed next door and it seemed the people were gone. The man was arrested and the woman was sent to a woman’s shelter with her kids. There were still other members of the family coming and going next door though after that and we felt really unsafe especially since the landlord had said he was going to replace the old windows that people had broken into before but hadn’t yet. We later found out there were natives living in our unit before too and one was stabbed outside and we also found a bullet hole in the window. We lasted there a month and got the heck out.

                        Anyway I hope things get better for you and hope your sister’s boyfriend will be okay!

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        My goodness, I really hope things get much better for you and your family from here on out drag0n! Starting with catching the guy or guys who did this and getting back every penny to replace what you’ve lost. I cannot imagine what you’re going through but I’m glad that you’re safe, your pets are safe, and what you lost can be replaced. If you need to vent, talk, etc. you’re welcome to drop me a line. All the best and good luck with the cleanup.

                        Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                          I am so, so sorry to hear of this. 🙁 I am just SO GLAD the furbabies and specials are okay. It broke my heart to hear of broken dragon pieces in the hall….poor things. I am so thankful it was a “rush job” and they just hit the living room.

                          It sucks that your home has been violated. That has to be a terrible feeling. I also would like to introduce them to the business end of something….but I choose a 9mm. 😉

                          Again, my heart is with you. If you need anything, please feel free to PM me. I’m here for any support you need. 🙂


                            Thanks again everyone, I hung out with my brother and sister in law this evening and my niece Olive. I haven’t seen them in a few months. She’s getting so big, it really cheered me up ^_^ She was talking up a storm, it was crazy. I’ve never been around babies so I’m just amazed how damn cute she is and how fast she’s growing. I’ve always been really sketchy around kids just because they make me nervous. I tested out my fuzzy quest story with her and she seemed to like it!

                            Now, that I am full of warm fuzzies I need to go to sleep in the house tonight and not think about someone “getting me” in my sleep. We got a deadbolt for the door my boyfriend is actually putting in right now. That will put my mind at ease quite a bit. We were testing how they got in and it is actually ridiculously easy to break into the house with just a credit card.

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

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