
reminds me of Melody's print

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          Is that to paint? o.o I am impressed. It really does look almost exactly like the print! I wonder what he/she made that out of? >.>


          Beautiful! That really is a similar pose. 🙂


            lol, that is a very pretty model. There are actually some striking differences i see right off the bat from the feather alignments on the wing, the stance of the legs, and even the arch of the neck. The stance for both is actually a pretty common one in horses but i can defiantly see that both while simaler, are taken from different horse posses and the wings as well.


              Wow. Must paint that. <3


                WOW…thats pretty cool.. 🙂 It sure looks similar to that print… 😉



                  Sorry, I don’t see much beyond that they are both very common horse poses (the legs aren’t even the same). I wouldn’t have made a connection to either of them. I have seen the print often as my mom had it before I was/or around when I was born. There are plenty of horse statues posed about the same… just they would lack wings… if he didn’t have wings you probably wouldn’t have been reminded of the print 🙂

                  Also those wings could never hold that horse up. Melody’s wings are more anatomically correct to actually take flight.


                    Yeah, the wings are the most similar bit. >.> Pointy-like. I definitely like the tail on Melody’s better…the feathers are a nice touch. 😀

                    I wonder how big wings would actually have to be to hold a horse up? Or even get it off the ground? I guess he could jump off a cliff or something…


                      When I first saw it it reminded me of it but I did know that their was differences but like I said at first glance it did…. :shrug:


                        Well in reality I don’t think Melody’s or the sculpture wings would support a horse for flying. First of all horses don’t have hollow bones like brids so they are much heavier proportion wise just because of bone density. Even if their bones were hollow they might not be strong enough to support so much muscle that horses have to have for movement on the ground (galloping, jumping etc). But huge wings on a piece of art that may be anatomically correct might just look weird. Who wants to live in reality land anyways? 😛 😆


                          NicoleH wrote:

                          Well in reality I don’t think Melody’s or the sculpture wings would support a horse for flying. First of all horses don’t have hollow bones like brids so they are much heavier proportion wise just because of bone density. Even if their bones were hollow they might not be strong enough to support so much muscle that horses have to have for movement on the ground (galloping, jumping etc). But huge wings on a piece of art that may be anatomically correct might just look weird. Who wants to live in reality land anyways? 😛 😆

                          You’re taking it way too literal. I was speaking in that Melody’s wings actually have the anatomy that birds would have in their wings. The thick base and all. The sculptures wings are all thin at the base, that could never generate any lift.


                            The sculptures wings appear thick enough at the base, their problem though is that they are set too high on the shoulders. The artist either needs too move the wings down, or extend the feather coverage. IMHO.


                              mmmmmmmmmmmmmm bbq peggy wings.


                                lol bbq wings 😆 sorry for being so literal. I love fantasy stuff but I’m also very scientifically minded so I was just thinking out loud. Just finished my anatomy and physiology classes so its all fresh in my mind for now. I think they both look lovely just the way they are. Its interesting now that I look at Melody’s sketch compared to her sculptures because on my mama pegasus the wings are higher up on the scapula more like the other resin but in the drawing they are lower. Maybe they look weird if they are placed lower on a 3d sculpture? I wish I could afford that resin though. It sure is a beauty…and oh the ways it could be painted. It would take me forever to decide…although I love grey horse colors the best

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