
Remember when…

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    I’m remember all that stuff SilverArrow! We had that huge VCR thing, my Dad was a TV repairman while I was growing up, so we got a few things sooner than others as a result.

    I remember the brick cell phones, my friend Kerry had one, thing weighed like 2 lbs!

    Man we’re getting old.

    LOL! My son has never known a time without cell phones, Playstation, and Nintendo, and 300 channels on TV.

    Fortunately we also read lots and lots of things called books, with no beep it de beeps.

    I just did some research, you can get DVD’s of HR PufNStuff and Sigmund and the Sea Monsters! Yay! My kids will know them! I am definately getting the Sea Monsters!



      Yup, the good ol’ VHF/UHF!

      The microwave was launched a few years later in France, so when I got there that summer, I felt so superior because I already knew all about it! Not that my parents had bought one yet… Jeez, I can’t remember how old I was! Maybe 13-14?

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Kyrin wrote:

        I feel really old somedays. When I mention things like Gilligan’s Island, or HR PuffNStuff and all I get are blank looks.


        I too remember when CD’s came out, and I used to have a bunch of things on record, including Prince’s Purple Rain. Anyone remember Leif Garret and Shawn Cassidy, or am I so dated they are completely forgotten?

        I remember everything mentioned or i think it was Intelivision that my best friend got. My other friend had Atari and I had NOTHING. My parents would not get things like that for my house. We finaly got cable in the early 80’s because we could not get any more TV channels with the Antenna on the top of the house. SPACE INVADERS AND ASTROIDS!! Pac Man and my favorite Ms. Pac Man!!!


          Reading these is a real trip down memory lane – it’s great

          Yes I remember no remote, rabbit ears and curb finders and 78 and 33 rpm records. Also I remember coming home from work and fixing dinner with no microwave. My parents gave me my first microwave for Christmas in 1974. I also remember manually putting the convertible top up and down on the early corvettes today I have a BMW Z4 an the top goes up or down with the touch of a button. THAT’S PROGRESS


            I can’t join and say I remember any of this, but I sure love to see it in old movies like Mayberry or Stan & Ollie. Life was way less complicated and rushes back then.
            The one major technological change that happened during my life time was cell phones. I can still remember when nobody had them, then when they dropped on the world like a bomb, all the advertisements, and now everybody has one or two or three.


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              The one major technological change that happened during my life time was cell phones. I can still remember when nobody had them, then when they dropped on the world like a bomb, all the advertisements, and now everybody has one or two or three.

              Yeah, I forgot about that! Just how did people managed to get through the day without them then, huh?

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                I remember all that too, Silverarrow! My family didn’t get our first computer until my second year of college and that was only because dad worked for IBM. Remember the commercial that aired in 1984 for the Apple MacIntosh? I found it at youtube; here’s the link

                Before that I had to TYPE all my papers on a typewriter. The luxury was having an electric typewriter. Anything that needed to be copied had to be done on a Xerox copier and it was expensive! No color options either, just black and white. Before that you had to use carbon paper for copies and a mimeograph machine and boy did they stink!

                There were lines waiting for gasoline on odd and even number days (based on your liscense plate). There were also no safe and sane fireworks; just the unsafe and insane sort and no state bans on fireworks at home 😈

                It was also a world where we hadn’t walked on the moon let alone put a man or a monkey in space. Remember the first space shuttle flight and how cool it was that we could get it back and use it again?

                Who’d’a thought we’d have so many advancements in so little time? 😀




                  Yeah, I remember these, too. My favorite uncle drove a Studebaker. My daughter has never heard of it. So many wonderful things. But how about some of the duds? Any one remember 8-tracks?


                    laphon1 wrote:

                    Yeah, I remember these, too. My favorite uncle drove a Studebaker. My daughter has never heard of it. So many wonderful things. But how about some of the duds? Any one remember 8-tracks?

                    I remember 8-tracks. It would switch tracks half way through songs, and sometimes you could hear a part of another song along with the song playing. I got used to one 8-track I had (I sang along with it), so when the song came on the radio, I found myself stopping at the place where the song switched over to wait for it, but it didn’t stop because it was on the radio. 😆


                      Anyone else remember reel-to-reel players? My dad still has one and when they originally broadcast the Star Wars Radio Special on NPR he recorded it, as well as the broadcast of BBC The Lord of the Rings Radio Drama.


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        Anyone else remember reel-to-reel players?

                        Remember? My dad still has it in the basement somewhere 😛


                          Jasmine wrote:

                          pegasi1978 wrote:

                          Anyone else remember reel-to-reel players?

                          Remember? My dad still has it in the basement somewhere 😛
                          Mine has one, as well as a record player that requires a drive belt – think large rubber band, and a radio that belonged to his grandfather. I think he still has the tv tubes that my grandfather still had when he passed away. My grandfather used to work as a TV repairman and had a 20×20 storage building with lots of tv in some state of disrepair.


                            dragonmedley wrote:

                            Greater Basilisk wrote:

                            The one major technological change that happened during my life time was cell phones. I can still remember when nobody had them, then when they dropped on the world like a bomb, all the advertisements, and now everybody has one or two or three.

                            Yeah, I forgot about that! Just how did people managed to get through the day without them then, huh?

                            I think people get too caught up with cell phones. We don’t need them in most cases, yet I’ve been with people that had to turn back and drive home to grab theirs (15+ miles away), “just in case”. I’m trying to convince hubby he doesn’t need one when we move… the island is only 67mi by 2-18mi. If we learn what we need to say if we’re stuck (assuming nobody nearby speaks English), we can get by just fine.

                            Hmm… y’know, I remember a lot of these things; my family (nuclear & extended) didn’t want, or couldn’t afford, to progress with technology that quickly. My great-uncle had one of those horrid, monstrous cell phones though. Never had an icebox, but I’ve seen one. We’ve had milk delivered in glass bottles. My one grandma had a coal (or wood?) stove for a heater (no furnace, and this only heated her living room & nearby space), my other grandma had a TV with 2 dials & antenna (still worked in ’99); I remember playing on our Atari computer (rather than the console), having a Betamax tape player (I liked the smaller tapes), when Skateland was the place to be (esp. birthday parties), getting the original Nintendo (boy was it expensive), getting our first microwave & my first Walkman, and when DVDs were introduced to households (our 1st was 3 years later for my 19th bday!).

                            I know we have an age-range poll somewhere, but it’s really interesting to see things from this perspective. Oregon Trail, anyone? 😀


                              Don’t get me started on cell phones, it’s one of my pet peeves.

                              Where you moving to?

                              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                                dragonmedley wrote:

                                Don’t get me started on cell phones, it’s one of my pet peeves.

                                Where you moving to?
                                Me too, though I am guilty of having one :roll:… but in my defense, it is my only phone line (hubby required one for stateside TDYs onceuponatime & it was cheaper [overall] to get another added to the plan than to get a land line). I grab it on my way out the door, but unless I’m expecting a super-important phone call, I don’t go back for it if I forget it. Normally it’s only hubby & my mom that ever call me anyway. (I have no social life)

                                And I’m movin’ to Okinawa, Japan. 😀

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