red fire laps and spectrals…

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      I wanna see a photo too! But this just might be the first OW I’ll want to get. I’m so picky, and only like the BG and Peacock coloration… but if he looks good in this color… ooo 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        I’ve already put one on layaway with emerald. I love my dealer! 😀

        Are they already in-stock ? 😯


          I can’t wait to see a picture of the OW. I love the new color!


            I don’t have one yet. GB put one on layaway, but I couldn’t order it until today (Windstone was closed). It will take a week to get. If someone else wants one, I’ll order two, but I need the money up front. I was going to wait and order it in February, but since I need a pic, I’ll order it today.

            Edit: I’ve placed the order for one OW, one Lap, and one Spectral in Red Fire. I’ll get them in about a week and pics will be up on my website.

            I’m really not supposed to be selling on the Forum, so if you want to be added to my newsletter/mailing list please send me your email address and you’ll get my announcements in your email. Thanks.


              The lap, ow and fledgie are the ones that I think I’ll like best in this color. Although the momma is really nice. 😀 for some reason I don’t really care for the male in this color…I don’t know why… 😕 I don’t think I’ll be thrilled with the scratcher either…but I haven’t seen him yet.


                YAY! Pictures! I’ll have to wait a week but YAY pictures!!! 😀 😀 😀


                emerald212 wrote:

                Edit: I’ve placed the order for one OW, one Lap, and one Spectral in Red Fire. I’ll get them in about a week and pics will be up on my website.

                Cool. 😀


                  Since we know they are being made or have been could someone at Windstone post just one pic of him ? 😉


                    They want the dealers to have first shot at sales, so they may not put them up. When they put up the pics of the Black Sunset Griffin Family, people thought they were sold out already and didn’t even ask their dealers.

                    It will probably a little while. John takes the pics for the website, and he usually doesn’t post them in threads because that means he would have to post it on a site somewhere first and post a link to it here. Too iffy with copyright laws.


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Red Fire OWs are available, emerald says! 😀

                    WAHOO!! 😀 Excuse me while I turn a few somersaults . . . .


                      Here’s the photos I took of mine. The Lap is available. I’m keeping the Spectral. Too pretty to let go! Even hubby said he liked it. 😀 Of course, I can get another one…

                      The spectral looks dusty in the pic, but it isn’t. It just really has some intense sparkle on it.


                        Oh, purdy…let’s see, where can I put them??


                        Oh that spectral is soooo nice.


                          I was just going to say “Boy that spectral could use a dusting!” Maybe if you took the picture from a different angle or turned your flash off?


                            pegasi1978 wrote:

                            I was just going to say “Boy that spectral could use a dusting!” Maybe if you took the picture from a different angle or turned your flash off?

                            I was thinking the same thing!

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